Sunday, October 26, 2008


This annual trip to the East Texas Yamboree was much different than in the past. We usually are less stressed thats for sure, but this year we decided to set up a booth at the Yamboree grounds. We sold jewelry and our baby items that you can find at We still had fun and got to see lots of people I think because we stayed in one place. We actually did really well which made it all worth it! The success inspired us to attend Canyon Lake Market Days yesterday. We didn't do so great, but hey you live and learn. Anyways, we had lots of fun and I am so thankful to such great parents for taking care of my little ones. They did it all let me tell you! Brooklyn can hardly wait until next year! My friend Amy had her baby while we were at the Yamboree, so we got to see little Logan McKee when we got back. He is so sweet and we are so excited for Amy and Jonathan. Oh, and to keep you updated with the Rockets we have one the last two weeks 49-7. Whoop Whoop Judson Rockets. I am hoping to get lots of pictures done this week so look for our Halloween costumes soon and I am going to ad a side bar of our products from too. Enjoy the pictures!


Fenn Family said...

Congrats on your success!! I'm glad it went well for you:)

Melissa said...

Looks like your kids had a blast. Its good to hear that you had a lot of success at the Yamboree. I wish I could find places here that sell stuff like the Yamboree does. Good luck on your new business.

The Bailey's said...

Like always the Yamboree was a blast even though it wasn't a time to relax this year. Making money is always fun though. I LOVE the pics of Noah and yes I am going to steal them. Thanks for taking his pictures, otherwise he wouldn't have too many.

brooke said...

You guys worked hard on your products, especially with the kiddos running around you.
Cute pics!

angie jones said...

Love all thel pics!