Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Moon...

CAN'T Wait for it! I am so excited that they have announced New Moon..go here for for the announcement. I also love the Linkin Park song at the bottom of the page. I LOVED LOVED LOVED Twilight! I give it 2 thumbs up and 5 jalapenos! I am actually going to get the sound track...LOVED it! I loved how beautiful the characters were. I loved the wittiness of it. I loved how beautiful Forks is. I loved the love story! The 2 negatives I have are Jasper and the tweeners! Come on..I dread that stage for Brooklyn...pure CRAZINESS! I new Jasper was new to the vampires story, but deer in headlights the whole time? Bite me...I loved it!


Liz said...

Same here! It was great and the whole Jasper thing was kinda weird for me too :)

Nik said...

I enjoyed the movie and yes, even my husband liked it. Definitely could have done without all the giggly girls and the ahhhs when Edward came onto the screen. Please! Mike HAD to make fun because it was SERIOUSLY ridiculous!

joelandbecca said...

Haha! Joel said he would have liked it better with out the gasping girls. And Jasper-come on! I did like it-I just had to think about it for a bit. It would be seriously hard to act out all the emotions and feelings of the book.

brooke said...

whenever I saw Jasper I laughed. I loved Jessica (or Angela, don't remember) said, "the one that looks scared, that's Jasper".

Yahoo...bring on New Moon!!

Em said...

Jasper was beyond disappointing! He was so "homo-ish," not the manly beef cake that Stephanie descibes. I liked it, but like Becca said there is no way you could capture the emotions and feelings of the book. Although I've never been a Jacob fan, they have got to do something about the guy that plays him. He was terrible for that part.