Thursday, January 22, 2009

Glenn Beck

Okay so I have found something to watch during my 4:00 time slot since I vowed to never watch Oprah again...its the Glenn Beck show on Fox. I started watching it on Tuesday during the inagurational events. He seriously moved me by his remarks on Bush. I couldn't find the video anywhere I have been looking for days and figured his website was just a few days slow on posting, but it doesn't look like he is going to post the video, but I found his words on another site:

"Mr. President, on the darkest day, you gave us hope when we were hopeless. You were unafraid when we were terrified. You led when nobody else wanted to. Mr. President, you don't have any idea what you meant to me personally and my family right after 9-11. Job well done, good and faithful servant. Thanks."

He pretty much summed it up for me.


Tara said...

Thanks for posting this. I was excited for the events this week, but sad at the same time. I really felt like President Bush was not given the respect and tribute he should have when he left office. He really did lead our country during some rough times. Even if he didn't do everything perfectly, who could have with all the difficult tasks he faced? It is not his fault our country is in the economic crises it is (with all the homes in foreclosure and bank problems) and yet so many Americans expected him to fix their problems.


Nik said...

AWESOME! Thanks Britni! It's so nice to hear something respectful and TRUE, after so much negativity surrounding him of late. I'm so tired of the skewed and dishonest media!

brooke said...

Edward and I were just talking about all the jokes and bad comments surrounding Bush the last few months. Edward said Bush is the scapegoat and that he has had to accept that role. He knows its not his fault, but the people just want someone to blame besides themselves.
Thanks Britni

Saville Family said...

As I watched some of the Today show they broadcast a video left by the Bush twins to the Obama girls, giving them advice on how to still be playful as children should while living at the white house, cute stuff like playing on the lawn and going to every ball, party, and speech, etc, getting a pet and also to love and support their dad, our new president. They went on to say how much they loved their own father(former pres. Bush) and they knew he loved them and put them first. It was a wonderful tribute to a good family man that brought tears...remembering the former president as a person and a father, not a headline. Look for it on their website,, worth viewing.

angie jones said...

Glenn Beck can be a little radical at times but I enjoy watching his show. I really like your post. I have been a fed up with the disrespect of Pres. Bush too.