Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I was talking on the phone with my cousin Ciara about her newborn baby. Her baby is jaundice and she was asking about Jack when he was a newborn with jaundice (which reminds me of the movie Cocoon because he glowed so much). Anyways, after we got off the phone both of my kids are so nosey and always ask, "Who was that?" I told her it was Ciara and which she takes it one step further by asking, "What did she want?" I laughed inside and said "she just wanted some advice on her sick baby." Brooklyn's reply, "Well Heavenly Father should've checked that out before he sent him down. Did he just forget or something.?" This girl is a real hoot sometimes!


Nik said...

She is so hilarious! I love her little actually, BIG personality! :)

Saville Family said...

Brooklyn's vocabulary is amazing! She is too smart...

brooke said...

Makes sense, huh? Rory thinks that too. They don't understand, (and most adults don't either) that just because God can do something doesn't mean he will.

A said...

So funny! Brooklyn is SO cute! :) I wish we lived closer. I can only image what her and my G would come up with if together :)

Bright-Mom said...

I love you crazy girl Brooklyn! We can't wait to be together at Disney World! :)