Thursday, March 26, 2009

A new me...

...well HOPEFULLY! I am working on it. I rededicated myself to the gym this morning. It felt so good! I get stressed about taking my kids to the gym during the winter because I feel like they get sick ALL the time when I go there. So I bought this adorable swimsuit and am hoping to look fabulous in it by summer. Go to my friends Sherry Saville's website and get yours today. I got to try mine on and LOVED it. Well, now I have got to get off this computer and get moving...I just ate a Zebra Cake...yikes!


Saville Family said...

Have fun getting more skinny and buff, you cute thing. Can you believe summer is around the corner?

Melissa said...

you... lose weight- what weight do you have to get rid of? Very cute swim suit. that is one thing i have a very hard time buying. I have never found one that i really feel good in. I dont blame you about the gym in the winter... you never know type of a sickness a kid might have. Im most certain that you will look just fine in the summer whether you work out or not. you are just lucky in that way!!!!

jrock said...

don't eat my zebra cakes