Monday, March 16, 2009

Playing Catch Up..

I know these are random items, but kept thinking of these funny pictures that I haven't posted yet. I kept telling myself that I will do a post every other day and catch up, but really who am I kidding..that will never happen! So here are a few items to fill you in on a the last couple of weeks or so. The first picture is of Jack. He had a HORRIBLE night sleeping and got into bed with us at about 5:30 a.m. He squirmed and turned over the whole time. Well this particular Saturday morning I had to get up at 6:30 am for youth basketball at church. So, I tired to sneek in the bathroom and get dressed and let him finish sleeping. Well when i got out he got underneath our bed and laid under there asleep and sucking his them. I don't know what got into him...this really made me laugh. The next few are from a few weekends ago when my mom was in town and we decided to bathe all the cousins together. The kids did NOT cooperate at getting a group pic. Jack was too busy trying to hold to Noah, Noah was too busy cheesing for the camera, and Brooklyn wouldn't quit chewing on this stupid disgusting bath toy. So the picture tell is all. Yep Noah was happy in the beginning, and really excited, but REALLY annoyed by the end. Who wouldn't be with my two? :) I just loved this last picture. These three girls are Alayna, Brooklyn, and Amaya. Brooklyn told me the other day they were triplets. They are in the same preschool together and love to play dress up every time they come over. I just had to journal this one for sure!

This is one of my new loves:

Go HERE for their site. Joel took me out to this really good bistro for our anniversary celebration. I had NO idea where we were going and when we showed up I was like YES chocolate for dinner! They had great food. My favorite was their pistachio bread..YUM! I had their shrimp and Joel had trout. We shared a salad and each of us got a DIVINE chocolate dessert. Thanks to SHERREE and BILL...we then had a quite night at the house. We didn't wake up until 10! I was totally rested up and it was so nice. I did miss my kiddos which of course the one night we go out got the beginning stage of yes...we are now drinking lots of fluids, antibiotics, and tylenol. I kept tell Joel that I felt like I was forgetting something and it was them. I was so glad to see their smiling faces the next morning. I am such a lucky girl to have such a great husband! I love you babe!


Heather & Bryce said...

Britni, Coco sounds amazing! We'll definitely have to hit that one up when we come down :) Seriously sounds divine...good work, Joel!

Saville Family said...

Life is busy. Sounds like you are having some good times. Take care of yourselves and get better soon!

brooke said...

great pictures!! your kids sound just like mine.
What a great guy joel is. Love those dates... can't get enough!

Bright-Mom said...

You are also so lucky to live close by Em and my parents...I am sure they drive you crazy sometimes, but isn't it nice to know someone is taking care of your kids who loves them and who takes such great care of them! I wish I lived closer to you all!

Nelee said...

Happy Anniversary to ya'll! I hope you had a great day. I want to go try out the chocolate bistro now! Cute pics of the kids too!

Kirby & Michael said...

Those are some cute pics. We never can get pics of all the cousins either.