Sunday, April 12, 2009

Playing Catch Up..

Okay so now that I posted pictures I wanted to add my details for the trip:

Day 1 - April 6, 2009
We got up at the CRACK of dawn and made our way to Hollywood Studios. When we got there Brooklyn was DELIGHTED to see her first character Donald Duck. My kids loved the characters! They both got their autograph and had so much fun doing it. We when went to ride a simulation Star Wars ride. Brooklyn leaned over to me and told me that she was never going to ride it again. We then headed over to a 3D play on The Little Mermaid. Jack was scared and Brooklyn didn't want to watch another play after this one. They didn't care for it as much. I thought it was good though and Kate and Clair did too. High School Musical 3 performed a pep rally and Brooklyn loved that. She loves both pep rallies and HSM3 so the combination in her book was fabulous. We had lunch at a 50's restaurant and met Playhouse Disney characters. Jack loved dancing with JoJo the Clown, and Brooklyn loved hugging June from the Little Einstein's. After lunch we tried to make it through a play on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Brooklyn stayed and watched it with the girls while I took Jack out for a nap. I got a little shopping in this day and went and bought my item that I wanted. A Minnie Mouse apron. I don't have aprons and I hate getting t-shirts from places like that because I usually don't wear them again, but I Love my apron. Beauty and the Beast had a play that they performed and yeah, my kids hated it. They lasted, but only because I made them. Brooklyn said she had never seen B & the Beast and now never wants too. OOPS! I went with Kate, Rosalind, and Stephen on the new Aerosmith Rock'N Roller coaster and I LOVED IT! Who wouldn't love a roller coaster with a little Aerosmith blaring in your fun! That night we went and at an African buffet and it was delicious. The kids were exhausted, and Brooklyn fell asleep right at the dinner table.

Day 2 - April 7, 2009

This morning we were up early again. I got up at 5:45 and we headed over to eat breakfast at Cape May's restaurant. We met Minnie, Goofy, and Donald. The food was so good too. Afterwards we jumped on a boat instead of a bus to take us to Epcot so we could get fast passes for Soarin (FANTASTIC). We met up together and then took the train to Magic Kingdom. My favorite characters I saw were here...the Ugly Stepsisters. They were HILARIOUS! If I had to be a character at WDW that is the one I would want to be..full of funny attitudes! The kids rode the tea cups and they both loved it! They had so much fun! During the tea cups everyone was waiting in line and I decided that this might be a good time to take Brooklyn to the bathroom. I did so and we were in a hurry. I had made these really cute autograph books for all of the kids and I was keeping up with every ones except Bowen's. I laid them on the paper towel holder and I left them there. I had so many distractions I totally forgot. I was so mad, embarrassed, sad, and frustrated with myself! The girls got new books. That was one of their favorite things to get the characters autographs..UGHGHHH!!! Anyways, we went and rode Pirates of the Caribbean, and needless to say Jack will not ride another dark tunnel ride again. Next, was one of the highlights of the trip for me. I got to take Brooklyn to Minnie and Mickey's house and then meet them with her. It was so magical and she loved it! We then raced to Epcot to eat at the Garden Grill with Mickey, Pluto, Chip & Dale. The kids really enjoyed themselves at this lunch too. Brooklyn and I then rode one of my favorite rides Soarin. It is a hang gliding ride that is animated. We both LOVED it. Next, the whole group went on another dark tunnel ride about nature and what the new advances are in technology for growing plants. I found it interesting. Jack didn't like the dark parts of it and hid under Bill's legs. His fear by this point was just funny now. Next, we went and met Crush from Finding Nemo. This was a really cool interactive animation where Crush actually points out people in the audience and makes everyone laugh. It was really cute. We ended our day, by riding the Finding Nemo ride. Once again, Jack didn't go, and Brooklyn was nervous the whole time.

Day 3 - April 8, 2009

This was our last day at the WDW. We took the day by force at Animal Kingdom. We started out by riding a dinosaur ride (similar to the Dumbo ride at MK, but with dinosaurs) and the kids loved it. Then the big kids went with the Mimi, Emily, and Stephen to catch a Bugs Life. Ros, Bill, and I stayed back with the boys and played at Dinoland. They loved sliding and climbing through that place. Next, we went through a tour of the tigers and it was beautiful. They did such a great job on the landscaping. We ate lunch and then headed to the African Safari. This was really cool. My favorite was the 3 week old giraffe. Brooklyn loved saving the baby elephant at the end (it wasn't real either). We then saw a really cool bird show. I was so impressed to see what they had taught these amazing birds. Bowen got sick and Ros and Stephen had to take them to the Doctor. So we went back to the hotel for a little while. The girls swam and when Stephen got back we went back to Animal Kingdom to ride Expedition Everest. It was so fun..we rode it twice!

Day 4 - April 9, 2009

I was so glad to be coming home, but so sad to be leaving my little girl. Brooklyn stayed behind with the Bill, Sherree, and Emily. I was so glad she did though, mad she had so much fun. They said she LOVED the BBQ with M & M, and danced with them all night. They also said she loved eating dinner with Cinderella, 2 female mice, and the Fairy godmother. Jack did so good on the flight. He actually slept the whole way. Steph picked us up and Jack loved seeing Noah again. I went and took Noah's Easter pictures and will post them soon. He did such a good job.

April 12, 2009

Its Easter and everyone is together again. I was so sad to miss dad's 50 birthday party the night before, but I had to be here for when Brooklyn got home. I made my first Easter dinner all by myself. Now, I have to get ready for the week...Yikes! I have been a slacker so I have a lot of catching up to do.


Liz said...

Wow!! Sounds like ya'll had a great time. I'm so jealous!!

brooke said...

sounds like a blast, britni!! my kids are excited to meet the disney characters, too. but i think we're going to wait a couple more years.

Saville Family said...

Oh, what fun! At Disneyland we saw kids with those expensive autograph books (luckily Corinne and Colin didn't understand what they were so we didn't buy one). What a great idea to make your own! Log that in my vacation brain folder...

Nik said...

We LOVE "the happiest place on earth!" Such a great vacation for a family. Glad y'all got to go and had such a great time!

joelandbecca said...

I grew up going to the Happiest Place on Earth all the time (you get major discounts if you are a Southern California resident!) Joel has never been! What a sad childhood he had! Way to start your kids off right! I can't wait to take Lila-that's right. 7 lbs and the plans are already in action!

Fenn Family said...

Sounds like your ready to tackle Disneyland and California Adventure now!!! What a fun trip!