Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why I have an AWESOME husband...

I am one lucky girl! I truly have an a wonderful husband. Friday afternoon we got a call from the Stake Presidents office asking us to meet with him yesterday. For the next 12 hours Joel and I played the guessing game on what in the world he wanted to speak to us about. Well, Joel got called to be the 2nd councilor in the Bishopric. That is not why he is wonderful...the reason I have an awesome husband is because of his worthiness to hold this calling. I knew when I married him that I was venturing on foreign ground (I dated some winners let me tell ya), but I become impressed with him daily by his testimony, his love for others and his Heavenly Father, and his service as well. Oh, and yesterday I came home from doing a grouting job with Stephani to find that he and his dad built me this:

Yes, he built me my own workspace for my crafts and sewing in the garage! I am so excited!!! I gotta work hard now before it gets too hot this summer. I couldn't laugh and think of Dolly Parton in Steel Magnolias when she is in her barbershop complaining about her husband and says: Yeah...He's great! The nicest thing he has ever done for me is enclosed my garage so I can support him." I know I will NEVER be able to fully support my family with my crafts, but it will be fun making them.
The last reason I have an awesome husband is this:

Are they not the 2 most beautiful kids ever (I am a little biased)? They surprise me daily! I was telling Brooklyn this morning to hurry because it is kinda a special day for dad and we cannot be late (which we always are). She looks at me surprisingly and says, "Its Sunday mom, night Friday night!" I laughed so hard! Thanks for all you do for us! I am eternally grateful for you! I LOVE YOU!!!!


The Bailey's said...

Congrats Joel on your new calling! I know you'll be awesome at it. Congrats Brit on your work space!! I can't tell you how excited I am too. I was just thinking the other day how I needed a work space. Now I can just come to your house. :) JK Joel. The kids look so stunning in their church clothes. I love Jack's suit on him! And of course Brooklyn is gorgeous as always.

brooke said...

When I saw Jack wearing that vest today I just thought he was the cutest! (my kids are cute too though)
Congrats on the calling, Joel, and now britni you'll experience life as the wife of a bishopric member. Just be glad you didn't get called to be RS Pres!
have fun with your workstation. I always use our ping-pong table to do crafts and it drives edward nuts. (plus I have accidentally spray painted it)

Heather & Bryce said...

Wow Joel! Congrats on your new calling! That will definitely be a fun experience for you guys, Britni :) And how fun is that to have a craft workspace...can't wait to see it. Brooklyn and Jack are beautiful...I love the bluebonnets so much! Tell everyone hi for me and I will see you guys in ONE WEEK! get excited.

joelandbecca said...

hey we just heard about joel's calling. congrats! it will be great to see him in action when lila is big enough for us to be active again! ha! i love that steel magmolias reference!

Saville Family said...

Quite a day for you guys. Corinne notices what Brooklyn wears now, she's a doll! Did I tell you that Brooklyn wants a playdate with Corinne? Everytime she's at our house for preschool she wants to play in Corinne's room, and since she can't she's waiting for a playdate~she makes me laugh. You guys are great!

Brooke said...

Wow, I always knew Joel was amazing!! That is great, he will do an amazing job and keep everyone laughing at the same time :)
Love you guys!

Melissa said...

that is amazing and awesome news... congrats JOEL!!!! and for you too britni. I know that he is a very strong, thoughtful guy but he has you standing by his side that is just as strong in the gospel. He will be great. Too bad hes not the 1st councelor so he has the microphone power :) And a craft space.... im jealous. one day i will have an area in my home where i can have it as my craft space. congrats to the both of you. he will do a great job. Good luck sitting alone w/ the 2 kids. If they are anything like mine... i would have to hire a nanny just for sacrament meetings :) Who is the bishop and 1st councelor????

Tara said...

2nd counselor? Don't you have to be serious for that sort of calling? Just teasing...I am sure Joel will be fantastic because he can relate to people and is so kind and loving.

You do have a great guy on your hands! Can't wait to see all the fun stuff you make in your new space!

angie jones said...

We love you Joel and we know that you will do a great job in your calling! That is a great workspace Britni! Jack and Brooklyn are so beautiful! I can't stand living so far away from my angels! I love your cinderella ring Brooklyn! Is that your disney souvenier?

angie jones said...

sorry, brooklyn, that is sleeping beauty isn't it?

Em said...

Good eyes grammy!

Tara said...

Ok, the church must not be true now if Joel is in the bishopric!!! Seriously...totally kidding! He is going to be amazing in this calling. Cameron and I are so proud of him.
By the do have 2 of the cutest kids. Miss you guys.

Holly said...

Very happy for you and Joel. How exciting! Also, cute pics of the kids.

Bright-Mom said...

My little brother has grown up to be a wonderful man! I am proud of you buddy...and Britni thanks for supporting him!