Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jack's Mop and recent update...



We finally broke down a few weeks ago and chopped Jack's hair. Yes, we love it long, but thought we should give a little cut for the summer. I think the long hair will be back in the fall, so don't worry! He is quite the little man lately. He makes me laugh so much. Here are a few things that he does:
*Motorcycle sounds like Taco
*Emily sounds like Enya.
*He is really starting to like trains and cars, but Buses are still his favorite!
*He still bites and bit me last night on the cheek when giving me kisses!
*He sounds so sweet when he says his families names: Mimi, Papa, Pops, Grammie, Duckie, he still doesn't say Brooklyn, but calls her Boogs sometimes
*He likes to throw crayons at the gentleman 2 rows behind us in church.
*He is OBSESSED with Brooklyn's bike even though it is 2 times his size. He still manages to get on it and then lets you know when he needs a push because he can't reach the peddles.
*He is still OBSESSED with basketball (oh how it melts my heart) and could literally play ALL day if I let him.
*He calls most balls basketball still. He knows what a football is and carries it around, but sometimes slips and calls it a basketball.
*He loves to eat when its his idea, but if I don't let him snack he eats ALL of his food. Its getting him to wait and hold off until then.
*He know opens the fridge on his own and now I have to lock it!
*He is a little nervous about the slides at Schlitterbahn, but with a little push he loves going down them.
*He puts both fists in his mouth when he is stressed and doesn't know what to do.
*He still sleeps with his blankie. He finds two holes in it that he managed to make and I already sewed up once and places his fingers in them as the other hand is busy away sucking his thumb. Oh, he only does this when he goes to bed.
*He always has a bruise and most of them are always on his face. (No its not from us :O)
*He gets so excited when Joel comes home at night!
*He loves feeding the dogs and is not scared at ALL!
*He has a really good arm on him when throwing, but I am also impressed by his catching abilities too.
*He really likes to color, more so than Brooklyn at this age.
*He likes to sing too, but you can't understand a word he is singing.
*He screams still sometimes.
*He really likes High School Musical 1,2, & 3, but he might as well with as often as Brooklyn watches it.
*He also LOVES to do whatever Brooklyn is doing and mimics her all the time.
*I love the way he says "HEYYY" when something is taken away from him
*Just as I am writing this he pooped his pants and then stuck his hands in it! boy!
*If you cradle him he says "I'm a baby!"
*He also says "I want that" to most anything that looks like food especially candy or sweets.
*There is so much more, but I can't think anymore. I also can't believe he is going to be 2 in 6 weeks, man times flies! But to some it up if you know Joel and have seen my Dad you know what he is like. He is a little Joel trapped in a Little Perry's body! He acts just like Joel and looks so much like my dad!


A said...

What a handsome little man!! I wish we lived closer or at least saw each other more. Our kids would have so much fun together!!

brooke said...

I always have to remind myself that he's not even 2 yet. He is a little man. He's a cutie too. Its fun to read all those things about him!

Nik said...

He and Tayt are SO much alike....yes, even the poop thing. But I think we've finally broken him of it. YUCK! I even had it on my walls a few times! Good luck with that! ;)

angie jones said...

I really love his new haircut and I can't wait to see you Jack!

Saville Family said...

I love buzzing my boy's hair~I don't have to comb it (since they prefer it not combed, of course).It's fun reading about them~you have a cute family!