Saturday, May 9, 2009

Sun and Water = Summer in Texas!

Today we used our season passes for the first time! (Thanks mom for our Birthday present) It was so nice. NO long lines and the weather was perfect! All Brooklyn kept saying on the way home was, "Mom I had so much fun!" I did all most let Noah drown, really he just went under a little, but when I looked up Brooklyn had made a friend with another little girl and was holding hands with her to go up the slide she had already ridden a thousand times. Jack loved going too. Every time he gets nervous he tries to stick his whole fist in his mouth. I am not sure why, but it is funny. Stephani, Nick, Noah, mom, Brooklyn, Jack and I all rode the longest river ride through the west park twice. The kids really loved it and think they are doing something only pick kids do. We all got some sun, and I notice Brooklyn got a little too much on her legs and I got way to much on my back, but hey its summer and bring it sun! We are going to try and go often this summer and just fill our early mornings with some sun and water. So if you can't catch me I am at the pool!


brooke said...

THat's so funny about Jack putting his fist in his mouth.

We'll definitely have to play together this summer! Schlitterbahn is great!

Nik said...

We got season passes too! It is such a fun thing, our family loves the water! Maybe we'll see you there sometime! :)

Melissa said...

im so jealous! i loved going there, and i know that it would be 10 x better now that the kids are able to enjoy it more than parker did since he was only a year old. you are so lucky to have such a fun water park (and the river) so close.

The Bailey's said...

It was tons of fun!! I can't wait for a full summer of Schlitterbahn!

angie jones said...

I had such a great time! It was so awesome to play in the water wtih the kids and see their expressions as they try new things. It also inspired me to be more diligent about working out! Nothing more disturbing than walking around all day in public with your legs flopping around! ugh!!!!!!

Fenn Family said...

I remember that place it was too fun!! We wish we could join you guys again:(

joelandbecca said...

So so jealous! So fun! We had passes last year and got our moneys worth in just the first week! We went all the time! 6-8 pm was out time-when the park cleared out and you could practically walk on Master Blaster. Crazy tourist! Who would wait 3 hours for that! Anyways-I know you guys will have a blast. We will have to join you in years to come. Lila is definitely a water baby! Bathtime is her favorite.