Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!

What a fun Halloween we had this year! I really loved it being Saturday...can we plan that every year? Mom and Dad came into town the festivities started Saturday afternoon. Joel got home and we all carved our pumpkins. Brooklyn and I did the flower/heart pumpkin while Joel and Jack carved their football pumpkin. Bill also carved one...but he really just wanted the goody seeds on the inside! We then went to Universal City's Trunk or Treat with Bill and Sherree. The kids loved it and Jack really got the Trick or Treat part down this year. So funny! Then we tried to visit some close families of ours and then went down our street. Not much success...kinda a dud actually on our street, but we came back and Brooklyn loved passing out our candy...Jack..he just ate it as fast as he could. Thanks everyone for a fun year this year!!! Does everyone else see how grainy these pics are? I am so annoyed...don't know why and its making me have out flashes! LOL

My Beautiful Bee and Booming Boxer!

Say What? They just throw candy in these buckets...I love this!

Everyone loves to hug a friendly gorilla!

The gorilla lets his pail hit the ground every step he funny!!!

Man, She is a Doll Face!

How did he get so handsome?

This gorilla got locked up...yes he got to rattle the cage!

Family Photo opt!

Bailey Family!

Jack wanted us to sit with him and just enjoy his candy..he is so funny!

Our pumpkins!

Had to get a better picture on the football...I was totally impressed!

Boogs passing out the candy!


Saville Family said...

Happy Halloween, Call Family!

angie jones said...

Again... thanks for posting! Love all of them. The gorilla and pail are good. Loved jack eating his sucker and Brooklyn looks beautiful!

Holly said...

Great Halloween pics!