Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Pops!

Today is my dad and my uncle Terry's 49 Birthday! I hope he has had a fabulous day and many more to come. Here are 49 reasons why I love my DAD!
49. He Let me drive when I was 6 in his lap on the highway!~
48. He loves to share his BlueBell ice cream
47. He can fix anything!
46. He isn't afraid of heights
45. He is quiet
44. He loves Dr.Pepper (and shares)
43. He lets my mom do most of the talking
42. He find the best in everybody
41. He does his church callings 110%
40. He has the cutest short and fat hands
39. He loves old school country and raised me on it
38. He introduced me to Sonic slushes and cheese tater tots
37. He is a twin and loves his twin
36. He knows the best way to manage ANY situation
35. He is a man of traditions
34. He wants the best out of his children
33. He LOVES his grandkids
32. He loves his family
31. He doesn't like to speak in public
30. He gets a lump in his throat when he cries
29. He built his home with his own 2 hands
28. He can fix a car when broken
27. He fixes items around my house when he comes to see me
26. He is athletic
25. He took his belt off to spake me, which was likely needed when I was little
24. He was patient with me and taught me to ski both water and snow
23. He makes GREAT cinnamon bread toast
22. He loves to watch cartoons
21. He watched all or most of his childrens athletic events
20. His favorite sandwich at Sonic is a Hickory Burger
19. He builds the best fires to warm the house in the winter
18. He never gave up on me when I was a youth
17. He taught me right from wrong
16. He baptized me when I was 8
15. He took my mom and us to the temple to be sealed for ALL time and eternity
14. He loves Whataburger shakes
13. He is simple in life materials
12. He didn't shoot Joel with the bow and arrow when he asked him permission to marry me
11. He loves to keep everything...just look in the attic
10. He respects his Priesthood
9. He love little kids
8. He ALWAYS is serving others
7. He loves me
6. He loves his children
5. He loves his parents
4. He loves my mom and respects her
3. He tries to be Christlike
2. He Loves his Savior first and foremost
1. He is my Hero!
I love you DAD! WE hope you have a fabulous day!


Heather & Bryce said...

aww brit i love all these reasons, so sweet! happy birthday perry!

The Bailey's said...

Dido to that! We love you Dad and hope you have many more wonderful birthdays!!


Heath laughed so hard at the cinnamon bread toast! We love you Perry!

angie jones said...

Well, since I have to do all the talking, I will tell you that Dad loved the blog! Me too. It was so thoughtful. Oh, and he also loved the golf clubs and I think he was pretty surprised.