Saturday, May 31, 2008

A few of Brooklyn's Loves

So tonight I was asking Brooklyn some Why do you love_____questions and Joel and I thought some of the answers were true..very true...sweet..and quite humorous. Here they are:
Brooklyn why do you love:
nursery-because I can sing really loud
church- because I can sing on the stage (she has only done that once 9 mos song in the primary program)
Mimi-she buys me whatever I want :)
Papa-he made ME my swing set (mind you forts name is Fort Primos for all of the cousins)
Mommy - she lets me play Mickey Mouse clubhouse on the computer all by myself (okay so she just told on me infront of Joel)
Daddy-he lets me run in church when its not Sunday (this was the weird question and I think it stems from tonight we were at a ward social at the church and we let her "leash" a little looser and let her roam a little more..I can't think of really were that answer came from and it really upset Joel that that was the only thing she could think of)
Grammie - she bought me a pool at gilmer
Pops - he cuddles with me all by himself and it really helps me go to sleep.
Stephani - she lets me hold baby Noah
Those were the only ones I could get out of her attention span wise. I did ask her who her favorite teacher in nursery was and her answer was President Huffseimer and her nursery teachers name is Sister Tuffteinsemer (okay so i butchered the spelling, but she totally butchered the prounciation. Then I asked her why she loves her and she said she brings the best nursery snacks...banana pudding! She just cracks me ups sometimes. I thought I would document it and share.


Heather & Bryce said...
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Heather & Bryce said...

Bryce just loves Brooklyn...seriously, he thinks she is the funniest girl on the planet and he loves it when you guys share her hilarious i had to read this to him out loud! of course, he got a kick out of it. she is just too cute and quite the jokster.