Happy 1st Birthday Jack Attack! I have so many reasons why I love this little guy! I will just name ten since 1 just isn't enough!
1. His smile will melt your heart!
2. He loves to clap his hands and is so cute when doing it!
3. He has started giving kisses and does it so well!
4. He is so laid back and easy going!
5. He loves his sister and wants to keep up with her!
6. He was easier to wean from nursing than I thought!
7. He says look at everything and wants to make sure you are paying attention.
8. He is usually good about just laying down in his bed and going to sleep.
9. He can soothe himself with his thumb and is darling when he does.
10. His eyes light up when he sees Joel and I and you can just see how much he loves us!
okay I had to add this one too
11. I finally have a child that eats all of his food! and he usually eats Brooklyns too!
I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent us our little Jack Jack! What an amazing blessing he has been to our family! We love you Jack~
Happy Birthday Jack! We love you tons! Grammie and Pops
Happy Birthday Jack!! We love you too and you truly brighten our day when we get to see you! Love Uncle Nick, Aunt Duckie and doodle
Happy Birthday little man!
happy birthday jack! we miss you guys!
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