Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas etc... I have been a VERY bad SLACKER! I just took down my Christmas decorations today, and am slowly starting to get back into the swing of things. Just to update everybody. We went to Gilmer for Christmas and had a Fabulous time, thanks to mom and dad! We carried out all of out traditions: cookie decorating, gingerbread decorating, murder mystery, Christmas story reading and others I can't think of. We also started some new ones I hope. We went to the Polar Express train ride in Palestine and it was fantastic. If you have little ones its a must! Thanks mom and dad they loved it and still talk about the ride. We also put on a family nativity at my moms after cookie decorating and it was a lot of fun too. My mom pampered the girls with pedicures and the boys went golfing while the grandkids and grandparents had a party for themselves only. They had lots of fun which included dress up! Brooklyn loved it too. We had a lovely Christmas were so blessed. We came home and spent New Years with the Call's at the Fernandes home and as always had Great food, and lots of laughs. On Sunday Brooklyn went to primary for the first time and is now a Sunbeam and Jack finally got in the nursery. I actually enjoyed myself in Sunday school. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Brooklyn already told me that she could use the covered trash can as a step stool when washing her hands in the bathroom at church. I told her to get down and she said, "Mom, I am a Sunbeam, I know that I can use this for a stool." Man, kids make life so fun and entertaining. I hope you all had a great Christmas! Here are some pictures of the weeks. Caution...LOTS O PICTURES!


Saville Family said...

Sounds like a great week. It's nice to live close to family to do such things-we missed that this year. We also hear the Polar Express ride was awesome-maybe next year!

brooke said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!! Its funny how life changes so much while we're gone on a vacation, then back to the old grind.
Merry christmas and happy new year!

Melissa said...

I tried to leave a comment but it didnt come on, so hopefully it doesnt come on 2 times... seeing all of you guys together made me a little sad that I wasnt able to spend my holidays with my family (sibblings). It looks like you guys had a great Christmas.
Its about time you updated your blog.. I was getting a little worried because normally its updated every week :)

Holly said...

How exciting. You got to go back to East Texas. I'm not sure when we will get to go back again. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. p.s. Enjoyed getting your Christmas card-very cute.

Brooke said...

Looks like a great Christmas! I love that picture of Brooklyn and the baby kitten, so fun! Your kids are getting so big.

Bright-Mom said...

Brit, so glad you guys had fun! I only wish we could have all been together at some point this season! Maybe next year!