Friday, September 12, 2008

Actual Labor Day

Miss Camberley's profile...What a BEAUTIFUL baby she is!

Okay here are the 3 idiots (Justin, Joel, and Jeremy) trying to hold their breath longer than Rikki. Needless to say Rikki won and Joel cheated!

Future Michael Phelps! Wait I bet he doesn't hold his nose!

Like father like daughter!

Jack enjoying Jerry and Melva's Super Bee. I think he might have been bitten by the Car love Bug!

Jack's sweet smile!

Brooklyn loves the slide and it boogies her down quick too!

Rikki is so great with my kids in the water. Here he is teaching Jack how to blow bubbles! You have to pay big bucks around here for that:)!

Brooklyn also talked Rikki into sliding down the slide with her. Thanks Rikki again!

Once again a couple bucks saved by having a little swim instruction. Brooklyn is getting pretty good about swimming and loves the water!

Thank You Fernandes Family for having us over and let us eat GREAT food and swim. It is always so much fun being around yall! Here are a few pics from the day!


angie jones said...

Looks like lots of fun! Looks like brooklyn is loving the water!

jrock said...

yes i hold my nose while i swim ....and I also pick it ...just in case Britni posts about.

Nik said...

We should have joined you in the pool. It was SO HOT! Looks like you had a great time!

brooke said...

looks like ya'll had a lot of fun. (too bad you missed the pig.)
Your kids really are dolls! how adorable

Brooke said...

Looks like fun, don't worry Joel, I hold my nose too. :)

Holly said...

Brit I have had trouble getting on your blog, but was able to get on at my in-laws. Great to hear from you. Thanks for the comments. Your family is cute and looks like you are having fun and loving life.