Friday, September 12, 2008

RIP Lucy

I know Aunt Emily already post about Lucy passing away, but I have pictures of the little services we had. Okay really all we did was throw her in a 2 inch hole in one of my plant beds. I don't know what Brooklyn really thinks about it. I hadn't figured it out yet. I guess she really doesn't understand. Okay so to what she is wearing in the pictures. I know EXTREMELY tacky, but these little 18 months shorts that are like tights on her on her favorite. She tries to wear them all the time and I have got to hide them and throw them away. This is what she insisted on wearing!


The Bailey's said...

RIP Lucy. We'll miss you!

angie jones said...

Lucy lived a full hermit crab life and brought joy to all those around her (brooklyn and jack). :) Hey, didn't we give brookly that extremely tacky shirt?mmmm

jrock said...

I have officially decided to get a tattoo that read R.I.P. Lucy.....heck all the kids I coach have a tattoo that says RIP someone.

Bright-Mom said...

My girls have been worried sick about Brooklyn! They want to buy her a new pet hermit crab or a pretend one that will never die. They have told everyone about Lucy's passing...neighbors, teachers, friends, car-pool, hometeachers! Seriously Joel...get that tatoo...Lucy needs a real tribute! Maybe we could all pitch in for a tombstone!