Friday, September 12, 2008

Botanical Gardens Continued

Here are the rest. Thanks mom for taking us!


Nik said...

Cute Cute pics and Cute CUTE kids! Where are these botanical gardens?

The Bailey's said...

I love the one with Jack in the air. Brooklyn was also so cute with the ducklings.

Amy said...

Oh my gosh! I love the pic with Brooklyn hugging Jack. That is too precious. You are becoming quite the photographer! I'll have to use your services soon!!

angie jones said...

I miss those faces so much!

Bright-Mom said...

Love the one of Jack being held up high in the air. I also love the one of Brooklyn hugging Jack from behind. I miss you guys! I wish we were closer!

Brooke said...

Holy cow you have beautiful kids!! AND you are an excellent photographer.