Saturday, October 11, 2008


My Homecoming Hotties!

Brooklyn honoring our National Anthem.

Austin Harper receiving the game ball.

Austin and his family

Our Doodle!

Friday night was Homecoming. It's a BIG thing here in Texas. Kids give each other mums which are flowers with ribbons and other decorations. Boys wear them on their arms and girls pin them on their shirts. Stephani did a great job on making Jack and Brooklyn's I have just been running out of time these days with things so Steph picked up that task from me and did better than I would've for sure. Of course right after taking these pictures Jack ripped off the football man on his to play with. I think the kids enjoyed them though...they have to its tradition right?! Austin Harper was the honorary captain for the night and was represented with a signed game ball from the team. He has muscular dystrophy and was an ordinary kid just several years ago. His grandfather coached football and said that if he couldn't play football than he at least wanted to go to the best football school in Texas so he chose Judson. He loves rocket pride and football period. He was also in Joel's class, but he passed away last night after his dreams came true of meeting and becoming apart of the team. This my friend's is what rocket pride is about. It's about building a great football team, great work ethics, but most importantly great men. I was so proud of those boys through out the week of taking in Austin and befriending him so that he have the happiness that he deserved. I am so proud that my husband is helping build the character of young men such as these! On the side note we won 49-13. Kinda of a boring game, but hey can't complain about a VICTORY! Whoop, Whoop, Judson Rockets!


The Bailey's said...

The kids were adorable with their mum and garter. Next time I will triple up on that hot glue. The new stadium is AWESOME! Loved it. Great game Joel.

angie jones said...

congratulations Joel! That is so awesome what those young men did for another teen that they didn't even know when the week began. Athletics can provide some great experiences in the lives of our youth and build character. I know Joel is a great asset to the program because he really cares about the young men he coaches.

angie jones said...

Oh, and awesome job on the mums steph!

Brooke said...

Britini, you are an awesome photographer! That picture of Brooklyn is so cute. I need to come take some lessons from you.
That story was tender. That was pretty neat.

Bright-Mom said...

OK...I still cry when I hear that story! It is straight from a country song, inspriational book or tear jerker movie!

Melissa said...

Brooklyn is getting so big- and still sooooo cute. What a touching story. I am glad that the boy was able to be the happiest that he was here before going back "home". Im sure the guys on the team will always remember Austin and how they were an impact on his life. Im sure Joel is a huge part of the teams kindness.

Nelee said...

They look so good in their styling Homecoming thingys that they make in Texas (I forgot the name). I do know that Stefanie made them and they are the best I've ever seen!

angie jones said...

I saw one of your necklaces today on a lady that I didn't know. It looked really good, she had it on a leather chain.

angie jones said...

I knew who the lady was, I ddin't know she bought a necklace