Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So..I forgot to post this earlier this week, but thought it was too cute. So I was WAY late for church, had the kids by myself, and was NOT in a good mood. We were almost to church when this conversation came up OUT of the blue!
B: Mom I wish Rocketgirl and Rocketman (Judson's mascots..whom she is OBSESSED with) could come to church with us.
Me: I know I do too.
B: Mom, they just can't though.
Me: Oh, why not?
B: Mom...they are in space during the week and they go to space church, not ours!

Needless, to say it made me smile for a while!


Em said...

Glad to hear she at least thinks they go to church somewhere else.

Melissa said...

I love it that kids have the most creative mind and out looks on life. last night Parker started to do this odd, shake your body dance. Mike and I started laughing because we had no idea where he got it from. While he danced he would sing "shake your body" it was like a hula hoop dance. it was so funny! have a great day.

brooke said...

what a cute conversation. rory will ask how old a friend is and if I say,"8" she says, "wow, she can get baptized." "not everyone goes to our church, they do different things in theirs."

The Bailey's said...

Haven't heard that store yet, but it is another hilarious thing said by Brooklyn! She amazes me sometimes with her thoughts.

Madsens said...

That is too cute! I love hearing her talk. She always says the funniest things. She has quite the personality!

joelandbecca said...

OK-that is the funniest thing ever! So cute!

angie jones said...

Wish I had been there but I can see her little face and smile now! Glad you posted it..made me smile for awhile too. especially when I think of rocket girl and rocket man sitting in the chapel. :)

Bright-Mom said...

Can you imagine having to sit behind their LARGE craniums in sacrament meetings! Maybe Brooklyn should give them a Book of Mormon! :) Too funny!

The Fernandes Family said...

She's way too smart for her age! I love it!