Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day everyone! I hope everyone enjoys this days as much as I do. I love the fact that I can eat all day! This is may holiday for sure! Here are a couple of things that I am so grateful for!

~ First and foremost I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. He has been so good to me and I am eternally grateful for his unconditional love.

~ I am truly grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ who set a perfect example for me and died for me.

~ Word can't express how much I love my wonderful Husband! He loves me when I look in the mirror and say what happened. He loves me during my weakest moments. He loves me when I spend too much. He loves me when I am irrational. He loves me when I am mean to him. He love me and sometimes I don't know why he is still around, but I am so grateful he is!

~ I am grateful I have two HEALTHY and BEAUTIFUL kiddos! They are my sunshine when days are gloomy and they are my finest work. I love how they make me smile and I love how they love me too when sometime I am not the nicest!

~ I am thankful for my health. I know so many people that have physical problems and struggle with their health. I am so grateful for the healthy body that has been given to me.

~I am thankful for a mom and dad that loves me and is always there for me. They tell me what I need to hear wether I like it or not and they are always there for me when I fall.

~I am thankful for my siblings (both by marriage and blood). I am so glad that have great relationships with all of you! Thank you for putting up with me

~I am thankful for Bill & Sherree who are always there to lend a hand with the kids or whatever might need to be done and usually at the drop of a hat. They have been so good to me!

~I am thankful for my friends! Sometimes you just need friends! I have the best ones!

~I am so thankful for this great country, although for the next 8 years I am praying on the checks and balances for us! I am so grateful for the freedoms that I have and the men and women that have given of themselves for me to have these freedoms



brooke said...

well said!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saville Family said...

Happy Thanksgiving to your family!

Nathan and Heidi said...

Brother Joel Call,

How are you doing? This is Nathan Rich from good old Ricks College. Long time no see or talk to.

I found your blog from Cam Steele's blog.

I hope everything is going great. Looks like you have a very cute family. Congrats.

Our blog is

Take care,


joelandbecca said...

you are so funny! it is seriously no big deal for us to keep that stuff here! oh and... Happy Thanksgiving too!

Nelee said...

I am grateful for great friends like you too! Happy Thanksgiving!

Holly said...

Nice list. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.