Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just Journaling...

This week has been so crazy so I thought I would document the highlights:
*Brooklyn pulled a 50 lbs+ luggage rack on Jack's foot/ankle. His foot immediatly turned purple and I freaked out! Janielle was over and she watched Brooklyn as I ran out the door to take him the ER. My neighbor (who has 2 boys) saw me freaking out and came over to console me. She introduced me to another neighbor who is a nurse and her husband his a paramedic. She looked at it and at that point Jack started walking on it. We then decided that it wasn't ER worthy and called my pediatrician. What a surprise...she couldn't get him in until the next day. So I rigged up ankle with a teeth ring wrapped with pre-wrap and tape and iced it on and off every 20-30 minutes. Make a long story short he is fine, just a little scare. Things could've been really bad though...he is lucky...and TOUGH (I was shocked at how well he tolerated everything)! However, our night wasn't over with him. He also almost choked on a mouth full of candy in which I had to swab my finger through and pat his back so he would spit everything out. Then not an hour later he does a complete flip off of my bed (which is on risers)! I didn't think he or I would make it through the night!:)
We wake up and I am fixing the kids breakfast when Jack comes barreling through the living room pushing a wooden rocking chair. It slides out from under him and the corner of the rocker scrapes his eye! I just knew it was going to be a bad day! Why did my day end bad...did you see the elections? Okay I am freaked out by our moral issues going down the drain! I was working and could hear Joel watching the TV in the other room and was about to gag myself with the stupidity of the journalist! I thought this wasn't suppose to be about race? How come while listening EVERYTHING was about race! Coming from a family who I'd like to think is not racist, I swear sometimes Joel thinks he is black :) and when it comes to color Brooklyn doesn't have a clue. She notices fat over black..which I am NOT in anyway condoning, but just trying to make a point. When Joel asked his class yesterday to journal what policies they were wanting in a president..they had NO clue! Guess what..these are the same kids that have OBAMA t-shirts on and are chanting OBAMA in the hallways. Why did a become so popular!? I answered my own question when I went to (which is a daily routine) and EVERYONE, but Heidi and Spencer(which didn't help McCain at ALL) were voting Obama. I seriously throw up a little bit when I saw Oprah! I used to LOVE this woman. She is so big on educating people..she needs to grab some moral values and then start educating everyone. I stopped Tivoing her a while back, but now I stopped Dr.Phil and Rachel Ray too because they are endorsed by her. Okay I am really on my soap box and am reading through this and doesn't make sense. What I am trying to say is....Where are our MORAL ISSUES! I was thinking Obama will be in office for 8 years possibly. This will be the time Jack will make the decision to get baptized. Are things in this world going to be so screwed up that he will have a difficult time taking that step? I know it is in the home were it all starts, but there are other influences. I always pray for our leadership in this country...I guess I will just be on my knees a little longer everyday. Needless to say I am NOT happy with this election...and am just trying to get a few ramblings off my chest.
Meltdown for me. I think do to the stress of he happenings earlier in the week, but a medical bill for Joel came in (a HUGE one for us) and triggered it! Joel has a naroma on his foot and the doctor told him to just get cortizone shots this summer instead of surgery. We just got the bill in and for every time he went in it was 275 a pop..guess how much insurance paid....83 CENTS! The bill 1292.83, insurance paid: 3.75! I once again throw up a little bit, called joel and left him an extremely horrabile and angry message on his cell phone, put the kids to bed for a nap, and cried. What is the deal with insurance companies? I can't rant again...anyways I hate them!
I woke up early...feel good and am looking optimistic. It is suppose to rain! Yippee!


Tara said...

Your post cracked me up and I couldn't help but respond. Looks like we both have been feeling the same way lately. I am moving passed the election results...I think things will work out, but I am furious with many members of the church and how they voted. I totally respect having different opinions politically and economically, but NOT morally! There are some major moral issues at the forefront of this election and so many members chose to support him despite his opposition to our beliefs. UGH...that is all I am going to say before I get myself in trouble.

Nik said...

Oh man, you just said about 90% of the things I've been feeling! Had a similar incident with insurance this week, am appauled at our country's choices and Obama winning the presidency, plus Tayt and I have had a bout of illness this week which never helps. Oprah freakin' thinks she's God and I can't STAND that woman anymore! Anyway, I'm feeling very negative this week. Thanks for having the courage to say what I am thinking!

The Bailey's said...

I get angry and want to pull my hair out everytime I think about the elections. I know I have a bit of an anger problem in the first place but it doesn't help when I see Obama, Obama that everywhere! It makes me furious!! Obviously you have had a hard week and Jack is definitely a boy. I'm pretty sure you will be seeing several visits to the emergency room. If I can do anything to help let me know and I am very SERIOUS about that!!

brooke said...

First of all, congratulations on going through all those accidents without having to take Jack to the ER...and saving money on medical bills. I'm also disappointed in our country. I don't like people who are charmers and who get the popular vote. What we need isn't popular... but at least Prop 8 was more gay marriage. Maybe we do still have some hope. OK, so I watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on Comedy central, even though they make me mad sometimes. But they totally made fun of Oprah leaning on that white guy during Obama's speech. (stewart said, mocking her favorite things episodes, (pointing) "you get a white guy to lean on", "you get a white guy to lean on", "you get a white guy to lean on". Classic.

Bright-Mom said...

Hey Brit, Hang in there sister! Some weeks are bad weeks, some are great. We thought Bowen broke his foot once...remember? Yeah he is always getting hurt. He has a huge big gash on his check right now! It must be a boy thing. He's hurt much more than the girls! As for the election...I had a horrible stress headache the next day. I just realized I have to have faith things will be OK. (And works!) There are lots of check and balances in the system. They've got to help keep things from getting to out of control. (Fingers crossed!) I am sorry about the doctors bills. Maybe Obama can help you out after all and get that taken care of for you guys! :)

The Fernandes Family said...

Arrghhhh.... insurance companies and the election...NOT my favorite topics. Get this: a lady actually got on the radio and said she was so excited that Obama was going to be president, that she would no longer have to worry about buying gas, and making her mortgage payment! What planet is she living on. CHANGE... the only change we'll have is what's left in our pockets.
On a happier note: I'm glad Jack is fine.

joelandbecca said...

I just typed a big old long thing and lost the window! Maybe it was because I was venting too much! I'll try again!

Your week is worse than mine! Mine has just been petty family drama. And the election reults do not help! I never liked McCain, but I agreed with a lot of his policies. I love Palin, so that made up for tons. I wish the GOP had a deffirent candidate. I can be big enough to say that this was a historical choice. But, like you said, this is not about race. SO many people voted for him just because of that. And, no one knows his policies or what he stands for! Joel said we should be ready to move to another country just in case! I agree about the whole Oprah thing. I Stopped watching her awhile ago. She has been following her own agenda for a few years! We just really need to turn to Heavenly Father now, and try to trust that this is part of His plan.

Hope Jack does better and is less accidenty! Oh and the insurance thing is so insane! We had a situation with ours last year. They wouldn't cover an MRI. Hello, if the doctor orders it, I think it was necessary! What are we paying them for monthly in the first place!

Hope your week gets better!

Brooke said...

I think it is "one of those weeks" for everyone! It does help to write your feelings out, doesn't it. And the thing I love the most, is reading other moms blogs and feeling comforted that we are all in this "mothering" thing together and we all have bad days... and REALLY bad days! I hope today goes better.

Melissa said...

Talk about a week! Im sorry to hear about everything that has happened. We are right there with you... about Obama. What is world coming too? Its for sure the "last days" isnt it. We just have to stay strong to the church dont we- and pray that our kids will stay close also. I hope that your week will only get better.

Stephen T said...

Britni, you may not remember me. (Just another Tefteller...) I was in your parents ward a few years ago--in fact we moved back to Utah 3 years ago. I totally agree with your feelings on the election. I think you put into words what I have not been able to. We live in Springville, just south of Provo. I was a Poll worker for the election, and it was a longgg, 13 hour day. I walked in my home just as John McCain started his concession speech. And then the numbers flashed on the TV screen. I was so shocked I just collapsed on the couch. I could not believe what I was witnessing. I also graduated from Harmony, so I did not grow up around blacks, but I have been in the 'world' long enough now and have worked with many different races. There was even an Elder in my mission that was black, but he was from England so he had a completely different mindset. What I think we witnessed on TV that night was all about race. I have also quit watching Oprah because of her stance on her race. I feel she is becoming a modern day Hitler for the black race. I believe, as we all should, that we are all equal. And I agree with you that our country needs to decide where our moral values are.
Have you heard the latest on the Prop 8 from California? There is now protesting around Temple Square, plus the LA Temple, Oakland, and New York. It is really getting out of hand. That's my 2 cents worth. (