Friday, December 12, 2008

Grandma Great

Bill & Brooklyn talking to grandma on Sunday

Brooklyn & Grandma

Today Joel's Grandma Great passed away. She fell early this morning and never recovered. She was always so good to us. She was an amazing seamstress. We have many pieces that we will always treasure and that remind us of her. She had a unique sense of humor and Joel could always make her laugh. The last time we visited was about 1 year 1/2 ago and her and Brooklyn hit it right off. Brooklyn loved to be pushed in Grandma's walker and Grandma didn't mind at all. I remember the first time I met her it was at conference and we spent the weekend at her watching it. She listened the whole time and made sure we were always fed. Joel I am sure as MANY MANY other memories so I will let him share. I am so blessed to have been married into such a wonderful family and am thankful that my kids have such great and loving role models. WE love you Grandma!


Em said...

Just when I stop crying...I read this. It's a very sweet post. Grandma loved hearing stories about the great-grandkids.

brooke said...

Its so good to have loving memories of those who have passed. We should all cherish the moments we have with family, especially those we don't get to see much! Thanks for the perspective.

Melissa said...

Im sorry to hear about Joels grandma... With all the great and fond memories you have of her to write them down so you have some great stories for you to tell you kids many years down the road. Our thoughts are with you and Joel! And of course the rest of Joels family.

The Bailey's said...

I am so sorry about your loss. I never did meet her but always heard wonderful things about her. I'm sure she will be missed tremendously. Let me know if there is anything I can do for y'all. We love y'all!

Brooke said...

I loved seeing Grandma's little twinkle in her eye when i told her Brooklyn brought a picture of her Grandma Great to show and tell. I read that on your blog and shared it with Grandma. she got a little quiver in her lip and a twinkle in her bright blue eyes. So sweet Britni, thanks for sharing your memories.