Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday 4th Brooklyn Boo!

Oh, man how I remember this day so very well. It seems like yesterday! I was looking at Brooklyn in her seat as we were driving yesterday and she just looked so BIG. It made me a little sad. She is such a bright and beautiful girl, who enjoys learning more about the gospel and loves to talk about Jesus. Just last night she gave the FHE lesson and she insisted that we do it on Jesus birth. She did a fabulous job of showing us pictures and then including at the end His death and Resurrection. I know I didn't teach her everything and am TREMENDOUSLY grateful for those of you that help Joel and I teach her such important principles. Here are some of her latest funny sayings:

Me: Brooklyn will you hand me my glasses, so I can see.
Her: Sure mom...you mean your spectacles?

We were all in the car the other day and I had asked her a question (can't remember what it was now), but she taps at her brain and says "Think, Think head...why aren't you working!

Sunday I was getting ready for church and had my boots laid out. She goes and puts them on and says, hey mom do I look Handicap? I think she said this because they were on the wrong feet.

Some other of her favorite thing to do lately are riding her new bike, roller skating, riding her plasma car, Spelling her name, she loves the word robust, repeating the book Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom, she loves her friends and loves "sweeping" over at her Aunt Emily's, Aunt Duckies, and Mimi and Papas, she loves going to Gilmer, she loves playing Mickey Mouse on the computer, thanks to her cousin Clair she loves saying "Awkward!", She recently likes to go Park hoping (go from play ground to play ground), and LOVES to dress up (she painted her fingernails yesterday by herself and did a great job). She is so funny and I know there are lots of other funny things, but I can't think right now. I love her so much...her are some pictures of her from the last four years!

Brooklyn a few weeks ago roller skating telling me that falling is just apart of learning.

Her 3rd birthday.

Her 2 birthday Luau.

Her one year old pictures.

Brooklyn her first day home from the hospital..what a sweet baby!


Nik said...

What a beautiful little girl! She is just an absolute joy! Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

angie jones said...

Happy birthday Brooklyn! We love you so much and can't wait to see you! Such a big girl with such a big vocabulary!

Em said...

Happy Birthday Brooklyn! We sure are glad that you are part of our family...you always make it interesting and fun.

Em said...
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brooke said...

Happy Birthday Brooklyn! Rory's excited to come to your party this Saturday.
Keep being so cute and trendy!

Saville Family said...

Brooklyn is super cute, and I am amazed at her vocabulary--she once asked me if I watched American Idol. When my reply was yes, she said, "I like David Archuleta." It was the funniest thing coming from a then three year old--David Archuleta--does she still like him? Happy Birthday!

Melissa said...

wow... how fast time really does fly by. i cant believe that she is 4 as well. and as big and smart she is. she is so adorable! happy birthday to brooklyn!

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!! What cute pictures. They grow way too fast!!