Sunday, February 1, 2009

Brooklyn's Week of celebrating 4 years of Life!

Traditional breakfast in bed. She was so excited!

Blowing out her first set of candles.

Freida Flapper..Brooklyns first set of dress up clothes.

Had to post this sweet pic of Jack..what a doll face!

Brooklyn at our photo opt area.

Cheering with the REAL Judson Cheerleaders.

This years cake..a megaphone..It had Senior '23 on the side of it...My mom said she would be dead my then...I wanted to beat her. Oh..and yes..not my best cake work...yikes!

Steph made this cute B-day sign for Brooklyn with her new Cricut machine.

Brooklyn was a little stressed out that her dad and I and to take her in for her to blow out her candles due to the wind.


Getting Ready...still excited!

Nervousness setting in.

Why did I do this?

After seeing her picture and her new set of earrings in the mirror she was back to the same happy girl!

Here are the pictures from this week. We started off on Tuesday having her favorite dinner, Black Beans and Rice (which she choose), family, and cupcakes. She opened the families gifts and got a WAY cute cheerleading outfit for next season from Aunt Emily. Mimi & Papa gave her a huge box of clothes for the summer, sandals, TONS of dress up clothes, a coin collection from Papa, and work badge (which was a big hit) from Papa too. Aunt Duckie and Noah came and gave her an adorable dress and jibbitz. Her dad took her on "Operation Birthday" which lead her to Wal-Mart to get a fish. She came home with Alex and Wally and they didn't make it but a whole 45 minutes. We don't know what happened, but Wal-Mart even takes returns on dead fish, so she decided on a beta and now we have Rosalinda Finney Call. I really don't not need any pets..way do I cave..I am not a pet lover! Anyways, yesterday we had her birthday party at Aunt Emily's house. Her 2 favorite Judson Cheerleaders Shelby and Kristina came dressed in their uniforms for a day of cheering! They taught 2 really cute cheers, we played pin the pom pom on the cheerleader, I had a photo shoot for the girls, we had cake, and then of course Brooklyn's favorite present opening. She LOVED it. My mom got her Schlitterbahn season passes and a new swim suit that she is really excited about! Thanks to Bowen and my sister she got 2 games that she has played and loves. Her cousins Kate and Clair gave her a Barbie movie and a jewelry (which she has already watched and worn) She had so much fun! Our big gift for her was to take her and get he ear's pierced. After going to one Clair's and advising us to go to another due to only have 1 licensed piercer on duty we went down the road and got it done. I don't she realized that it would hurt quite like it did (yes Stephani cried), but she has loved them since and is really excited about them. The night got even better with a treated Jamba Juice. What a Birthday week this little girl had!


Tara said...

She is SO pretty and I love the earrings. Happy Birthday sweetie!

BeickerFamily said...

What a big girl!!! LOVE the earrings! I am so glad that we got to spend time together, it has been too long! Lets really try to work out Wednesday Brinley is still talking about it!!


Bright-Mom said...

We ALL wish we could have been there! Clair kept asking all week if we were going to Texas for the party. On wednesday she said, "Mom, it only takes two days to get there! If we leave now we can make it in time for the party!"

angie jones said...

Great post Britni! Thanks! We had such a good weekend. I miss you guys so much already!

Liz said...

What a great Mom! I can't believe how much stuff ya'll did. Sounds like she had a great time!

Saville Family said...

That is quite a week. Big girl getting her ears pierced-wow! What a good time, mom.

Melissa said...

one of these days i will be as creative as you britni and put on great parties for my kids. She looked really brave when she got her ears done. Im glad you all had a great week. I cant believe she is 4 already!

Fenn Family said...

We miss Brooklyn!! Tell her Happy Birthday from Brinley:)She looked like she had a perfect birthday party! It looks like she's going to take the cheerleading route like her mom in high school! Too fun!

Heather Guymon said...

She is beautiful! So glad to have ANOTHER friend to add to my blog list =)

brooke said...

wow, what a birthday week!! Can you top that next year?
What a brave girl getting her ears pierced. Rory says she's never getting hers done because it will hurt. we'll see.

The Bailey's said...

It was such a fun week. I'm so glad I got to celebrate it with y'all. She was so brave when she got her ears pierced. I was so proud (obviously since I cried) of her. They look so beautiful!

Holly said...

Happy birthday miss cheerleader (Brooklyn).

Brooke said...

What a cute little grown up girl. Great party Brit, so creative :) I bet they all loved that.
That picture of Jack just about melts your heart with those dimples. Love that little face!!!

The Fernandes Family said...

The last 4 years have just flown by. I can't wait to see her growth in the next 4. She's blessed to have such wonderful parents. Keep taking those great photos!