Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I love being a Stay-At-HOME-Mom!!

My phone broke yesterday and it wasn't the best day for it to happen because I had a lot going on with New Beginnings and really need to be able to get a hold of. Anyhow..I was driving home and it was just me and the radio...oh..and my mind! It was so nice! I was thinking about how THANKFUL I was that I didn't have to get up and go to an office or school or any place of work other than my home the next day. I am so thankful that I have a husband that supports me in this. Lets face it..I am a awful housekeeper, I get so sidetracked on other things, I do have to work a little bit, I am TERRIBLE with time and cannot manage it for the life of me, Not the best at keeping finances either, and really do not have a LOT of Suzy homemaker skills. But I am so glad that he sticks with me and even though the workforce would have fired me by now for my lack of abilities, he hasn't! I can't imagine dropping my kids off everyday for someone else to watch and teach. Not to mention missing out on things that I get to see and hear everyday. Sometimes it is so hard on the pocketbook that it makes me want to scream, but I just am so blessed! I couldn't sleep last night and I kept thinking of how grateful I truly am and thought I better document something! (Oh, and I am horrible at documenting) My mom didn't have the same opportunity as I do and many of you do not either. I can't imagine having the extra load of a demanding and stressful job too! I just don't know how you do it. I would never have the energy and would loose my mind. I am so grateful that I was persuaded by my parents to take up this opportunity as well. Last night at NB Brother Smith talked about how he and his wife Mary gave their children round trip tickets (Heaven-Earth-Heaven) because they were born under the covenant. I know that is so true, but we have to really work for that ticket back. I have to make sure that I teach these beautiful spirits how to live as Jesus did. What a job I have! Anyways..I am rambling now. These 2 precious souls and Joel are what I live for!


brooke said...

I'm right there with you on this. Its hard at times, and I fail too, but its so much better than the alternative. I often watch kids for my neighbor who does daycare in her home for several families. Their parents are missing out on so much. And I wouldn't want my kids to get so attached to other people.

Saville Family said...

I have seen your creativity, Suzy homemaker skills can translate differently for different people. You are a great mom, Brooklyn is absolutely sweet, keep up the good work!

angie jones said...

I'm so glad you have chosen to stay at home with Brooklyn and Jack! You will never regret it! I know it must be hard sometimes to be at home with little ones all day and not get much of a break but it will definately be worth the sacrifice!

Nik said...

Thanks for sharing! You are great and are the person your family needs to be doing EXACTLY what you are doing. There is no one better for them - you were meant to be YOU!

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