Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Brooklyns 4 yr.old pic - Jack's 18 month pics

Okay, so I know I have posted a lot of pics lately and I was waiting for a day that I had a lot of time on the computer to tell about each pic, etc., but hey..lets face it..that is never going to happen. I will post more about our V-day (which was nice) later and some fun stores. Just gotta journal when I can these days!


angie jones said...

I LOVE all the pics! The ones of you and Jack I especially love because we don't get to see many of you...and of course brooklyn looks beautiful also!

Nik said...

Such CUTE kids! They really are adorable! Good job mom! :)

Saville Family said...

Can't believe how fast kids grow up! Next thing you know Brooklyn will be in Kindergarten and Jack will be in preschool...yikes. Love 'em while they're little!

Brooke said...

Cute Pictures!!

brooke said...

Brooklyn's so good at posing. Rory's such a ham, or she's cheesy...maybe's she's just a huge ham and cheese sandwich when it comes to picture taking.
Jack's got a lot of personality, you can just see it in his eyes.
Very cute.
I need to get Edward to take some pics of me with the kids.

Fenn Family said...

Those pictures turned out great Britni your quite the photographer!! I can't believe how big the kids are...we miss them....come visit!!!

Brooke said...

Wow, how many Brooke's do you know???
The pictures are so great, your photographer did a great job! I loved the ones of you and my favorites of the kids are you tickling Jack with those adorable dimples and the one of Brooklyn with the straw in her mouth! Priceless pictures!

PureDesign said...

Those are CUTE pics of the kids!