Friday, February 20, 2009


I know I am behind in posting, but hey better late than never. :) For those that don't know our anniversary is also next month, so I take over and am in charge of V-day and Joel has our anniversary. For 7 years it has been like this and not until this year have I really felt the pressure. The thing is that Joel can always out do me because he his second, and I am not much of a romantic or good at planning for things like this. Joel is really good and gets like a little kid in a candy store when it comes to surprises. Don't get me wrong I love give surprises, but the stress...ugh! Anyways, I finally figured out that I am just going to have traditional V-day every year and this what we will do. We will always go to the temple, have dinner, and I will always have a scavenger hunt planned for Joel and the kids. I did all of these things this year and it went well. The kids LOVED the scavenger hunt. Plus it was a little something that didn't break the bank. I lead them to chocolates ($1), gummy life savers ($1), conversational hearts (free..yes I re-gifted..the kids don't know ;), a puzzle for Brooklyn ($3), caps for Jacks gun ($1.50), and love letters to each of them (priceless). The kids really loved searching where the next gift was. Oh, and my gift for Joel..self-portraits. I know CHEESY...and I feel like it makes me look WAY too self-important. Joel has my wedding pic for me on his desk (7 years old) and figured he needed another one. So here are some of those pics...this post if for you mom (she begs me to get out from behind the camera) Thanks Steph for taking the pics!


Nik said...

WAY cute pics Britni! It doesn't make you look self-important. Every husband needs a picture of his wife on his desk, and a current one too. Plus, it's so much better to have a good lookin' one rather than a random snapshot. Great ideas!

angie jones said...

I love them! did steph take them? The last one is fantastic!

Saville Family said...

Wow! Happy Anniversary, next month. I wonder what your surprise will be?

angie jones said...

ok, now I took time to actually read the post...good job steph! I also wanted to say...look at how much Jack loves seeing his mom "act a fool" as my kids at school would say.:)

brooke said...

the pictures are very cute. I've actually been wanting new pictures of Edward and I.
I didn't realize you were so acrobatic!!

Fenn Family said...

You look Great...he's a lucky man!

Holly said...

Wow! You look HOT! Great pics.

Melissa said...

great pics. your sister did a great job. but you always are photogenic.

The Fernandes Family said...

Great pics Britni! I especially love the acrobatic one. It reminds me of when I was five months pregnant and did a cartwheel... I DON'T recommend it.

Meggan said...

What great photos Brit! Steph did an awesome job and you look amazing. That Joel is one lucky fellow : )

The Bailey's said...

Since I was there taking the photos I have to admit I was quite impressed by the handstand. Especially on a bucket. My fav is of you and Jack together though. He was so cute that day! And you can't beat a childs love for his mother.

Heather Guymon said...

You still look beautiful girl. I LOVE the pics!