Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jack the Mack

Jack has been such a little character lately and thought I would share. Last Friday I took him to get a little trim. The boy has more hair than I do and I think we might go with a buzz for the summer. We will see. Joel and I both love his long locks. Anyways, I was at the Barbershop (the same one that he got his first hair cut at and the one Joel has been using for 15+ years. As Vidal started cutting away Jack's OCD starting kicking in. In case you are not aware Jack has inherited Joel's OCDness for cleanliness. So as every cut slid down his little cape he would scream Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! Uh-Oh! He got louder and louder until the whole shop was giggling and the barber had to quit cutting due to Jack sqirming because he was trying to catch each hair as well. It was so funny.

On Saturday night we had our same ole routine for bed and we were ready to say family prayers. As Joel and I were kneeling and leaning in towards the ottoman Jack just started saying the prayer out loud. Now, you might be asking yourself can Jack talk? Nope he cannot. He grunted each word in his own rhythmic method with a loud and clear AMEN at the end. It too was funny, but oh so tender!

He still loves to eat lately, but his FAVORITE thing to do is BEG for candy out of my candy bowl. I really have got to hide it better and throw away all of the old candy. His is like is momma in that sense. He also still loves to play basketball, but is finally playing attention to trucks and planes. Thank goodness he has his dad's pain tolerance, but bless his heart too. He was standing in a pile of ants on Thursday afternoon and he didn't say a word. He kept licking is popcicle and didn't say a word. I didn't notice until Brooklyn's little friend screamed I think Jack has a ant on him! I looked and he was covered! It made me so sad to see his little bumps on his leg, but he wasn't in the least bit concerned.

Thanks for letting me boast about my little boy. Enjoy the new look...I guess I am in a mood for remodeling EVERYTTHING. I repainted my bathroom and will post pics soon. I love it!


brooke said...

sorry he was screaming at the barber shop, but I love it when my kids are worried about being dirty. When they are allowed to get dirty I have to reassure them its ok.
What a sweet boy to try to do the prayer.
Too bad about the ants. I've seen other kids do the same thing... act like they don't even notice it. While mine scream and wail bloody murder.

Em said...

Post a pic of his new hair do! I can't wait to see him.

Melissa said...

love the post! jack is sure Joels kid! that is so funny that he is already worried about being dirty! I cant believe haw much hair jack does have! Ashlyn has hardly none compared to jack.

Saville Family said...

New blog, new paint, soon a new swim suit. You're just gleaming like new! I've got trimmers when you're ready to buzz!!

Brooke said...

What a sweet boy, I need to see some pictures of this haircut! I bet he looks great.

The Bailey's said...

I'm going to miss that uh-oh all week!!