Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Gabriella...

Okay so the beginning is a little slow, if you watch the tv you can see Brooklyn is trying to act just like Gabriella. She does get a little wild with the flips off the couch which just made me laugh so hard. I tried to get her to sing louder and she did towards the end. Sorry this video is so long, but I just had to post it! Oh and it was recorded from my phone so it isn't the greatest. Before the video Brooklyn tried to get Jack to play Troy, but he didn't want much to do with him. Brooklyn got this dress from the librarian at Judson and she wears it all the time! Enjoy...I did!


Em said...

I don't think I've ever heard Troy scream like that before! Also, when Troy is mad at someone I don't recall him grinding his teeth together. Brooklyn did an excellent job of playing a blonde Gabriella.

brooke said...

Great job Brooklyn... I guess you'll be on the stage someday too.
Yeah, jack screamed a little more than I recall troy ever screaming.

Saville Family said...

This is so Brooklyn. Even at my house she always find the microphone and starts singing and pretending she's on stage. It's hilarious!

angie jones said...

That girl needs to be in a dance class!

Nikki said...

She is adorable.

I can't stop laughing at your little man and how he does not want his sister on the couch with him! And she couldn't care less!!