Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jack's Patriotic 2nd B-day Party

This year we celebrated Jack's birthday again on the 4th of July. Although his birthday is on the 10th I have a feeling that he will be sharing his birthday with America because lets face its easier to get the family together that day! This was a particularly fun year because ALL of his cousins could be here...all 4 of them plus his sister! We have never celebrated a birthday with the Brights because they live in South Carolina, so the cousins were all excited (well Brooklyn was anyway)! Since I was last minute this year with his party I decided to go with the patriotic theme. Joel cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and thanks to family members everyone chipped in with delicious side dishes. After we hate the kids swam and then what would be a party without a pinata! I had the hardest time finding the right one. I wanted a flag pinata...but no luck due to being so last minute, but what more American can you get then a baseball...America's great past time! I was in heaven when I found this cake. I was wanting a flag cake, but didn't really want to have a big buttercream icing flag cake and then I found this one! It was right up Jack's alley. In case you didn't know he loves flag's and LOVES it was perfect! It is seriously the most yummy cake ever and was super easy. Here is the website I found it on. The only bad thing that I did was I should have coated the bananas in lemon juice so that they wouldn't have browned or at least waited to put them on. live and learn. :) After a lot of partying we rested and then went to Landa Park Golf Course for the fireworks. This a tradition that we do EVERY year with the Fernandes Family. We Love IT! Joel brings his stereo and we listen to the local radio station play the music to the fireworks, and we sit and visit. This year I got eaten buy ants, but the great part is being the family and remembering how much I LOVE THIS COUNTRY! I know there are a lot of pictures...sorry, but I am seriously going to print a book from my blog one day and I don't think if I make a slide show that it will transfer easily...if anyone knows any tricks to that let me know! the mean time BEWARE of lots of pictures! Happy Birthday little man! I love you!

The birthday boy himself...he loves flags!

Kate, Brooklyn, and Tiger Lily

The whole crew watching the fireworks...they include in no particular order: Dad, Mom, Sherree, Bill, Melva, Jerry, Heather, Bryce, Tiger Lilly, Emily, Stephen, Rosalind, Kate, Clair, Bowen, Me, Joel, Brooklyn, and Jack.

Brooklyn giving Jack hugs for his bum alert!

All of the cousins: Jack, Noah, Kate, Brooklyn, Clair, and Bowen

I love this picture...he is reading his card..and slurping a sucker...his favorite!

Pinata busted!

Jack wamming the baseball pinata!

Noah...loved the picture!

Papa jumped in the girls pool with all his clothes to cool off!

Jack sliding down the slide

Jack squeezing Clair!

Jack having fun...what a cutie!

The cake!

Brooklyn helping Jack blow out his candles! Too cute!


brooke said...

its great to kill 2 birds with 1 stone! Looks like y'all had a blast! The cake looks so yummy and refreshing!

Melissa said...

Looks like you had a blast, and like always a success of a b-day party! I have to agree w/ you- landa does a good show. I bet it was fun having a party w/ the cousins. I cant believe that hes 2 already. how fast time flies huh.

Melissa said...

Looks like you had a blast, and like always a success of a b-day party! I have to agree w/ you- landa does a good show. I bet it was fun having a party w/ the cousins. I cant believe that hes 2 already. how fast time flies huh.

Saville Family said...

What a good time! That cake does sound delicious~may have to give it a try. Happy Belated Birthday, Jack!

Bright-Mom said...

It was great fun, glad we could be there! We miss you guys!

Brooke said...

Looks like fun, especially to have all the cousins there. He is getting so big!!

joelandbecca said...

Love the 4th and patriotic themes! What a great party idea!

Papa and Mimi said...

Sure loved having all the grandkids at our house on the 4th of July to help Jack celebrate his big day.
Love Papa