Sunday, August 2, 2009

Call Family Reunion 2009 (WARNING - LOT OF PICS!)...

So I guess we really have already gotten together twice this year since we went to Disney World together, but since Joel wasn't there I counted this as a true family reunion! The Brights made the trek from South Carolina and made it to S.A. on the 3rd of July and were able to stay until the 10th. We had so much fun. For FHE Mimi and Papa treated us to Incredible Pizza. The kids LOVED it! It was a really fun atmosphere. The next few days we enjoyed taking family pictures (Thanks Melva for taking them!), Rudy's, swimming at the Fernandes Family pool (THANKS Melva and Jerry!), Aunt Emily treated us to a day at the Children's Museum in S.A. and they LOVED it (you should've seen Jack pushing a shopping cart...OUT OF CONTROL! ), free movies at the theater, lots of playing on Fort Primos, painting on Papa's fence, and ate lots of good food! The kids love being together and miss each other all the time. We wish the Brights lived closer!! Enjoy the fun pictures...there are a lot!!!

The Call cousins on Fort Primos...

Jack sliding down with his letter that Papa wrote him.

Jack and Bowen holding hands...neither could decide whose hand got to be on top..this is how it funny!

Kate shopping for lobster

Jack and his wild shopping spree!

All the kids posing at the end of day...notice thumb in mouth...they were exhausted!

Lets hope being a pilot isn't in her future...I will be a nervous wreck! She does look cute though!

Brooky, Clair, Bowen, and Jack playing in the kitchen.

Papa just wishin he was as tall as David Robinson...then again Papa wishes he was as tall as me ;)!

All of the kids diggin for of Kate's favorite areas.

Jack milking a cow at the children's museum.

Brooklyn pretending to be at the dentist office and the Doc is none other than her dad!

Brooklyn Boo..

Clair Bear...

Kate Kate...

This is one of my favorite pictures from the just says it all..

Call Cousins...

Mimi and her girls...

Mimi and her boys...

Papa and his boys...

Papa and his girls...

The Original Call Clan...

Our family..

The Brights..

Crazy Faces!!

The Whole Group..

She shoots...she scores!!

Balla...shot calla!

Too sweet for words!

Bowen and Stephen...looks like Stephen is enjoying more than Bowen! :)

Jack and Joel going for a spin...Jack loved it too!


brooke said...

looks like a great time!
We spent time with Edward's family this past weekend... but no blogging about it, I forgot my camera.
Love the pictures. Your family is just adorable!

Saville Family said...

Wow~you did so much! Looks like Joel is the only boy in his family (and the baby?) There's nothin' quite like grandmas and grandpas and cousins to play with. My kids miss that the most.

Em said...

Joel is the only boy and the baby...bad combination! :-)

I love Jack sliding down with his "mail" in his mouth. It was lots of fun. Can't wait for next year.

Bright-Mom said...

We don't have to wait until next year! Everyone should come for Christmas or Thanksgiving to SC! We love being with you guys SO much!