Monday, July 13, 2009

The Last 2 Weeks in June...

...we spent in Gilmer. Joel went to Utah for 2 weeks to help coach at the H.S. football clinics BYU puts on. After he bought his ticket I thought this is a great time for me to be in Gilmer for 2 whole weeks. We spent our time mainly with family. I got to pick peaches, blueberries, blackberries, yellow peppers, tabasco peppers, tomatoes, jalapeno, and helped mom and dad pull up their potatoes. I truly felt like a country girl and I loved it! Grandaddy and I took Brooklyn fishing and she lasted all of 2 minutes when it just got too hot for her. Thanks to Vickie and her family we spent 2 of our days in Tyler sitting by the pool like a bunch of lazy bums. It was so nice though. Brooklyn jumped off the diving board all by herself! She was so cute. Stephani and I had diving contests and Brooklyn started jumping of side ways like she was doing flips with us. I will have to post that video later. Mom and dad were such gracious hosts especially when dad got his ceiling fans put in. HA! The heat will make the best of us a little too grouchy. The best times I had were spending with mom and Nana doing genealogy together. What a fun experience that was! We traced our family a long ways back that is for sure! :) I also spent sometime with Grandaddy and MawMaw taking pictures of their pictures. I know it seems weird, but with my camera I get just a good of a picture by taking a picture of a picture instead of scanning...did you get that? So beware...lots of pictures ahead! Thanks mom and dad again for taking care of us.

My grandfather's pilot license in the 50's.

My grandfather's meal ticket when he was in grade school.

My great great grandparents.

Papa Jones (who Jack is named after) and Granny Jones

My dad as a baby and his twin bother Terry with their oldest sister Donna.

The twins as toddlers.

My great great grandmother.

My dad..don't know the age.

My dad again..does anyone else see Jack in these pictures?

My dad and uncle hanging out. Cute uh?

My grandfather's senior picture from Harmony High School. The same school were his kids and grandkids all graduated from!

My grandfather as a kid

The twins getting ready to play some ball! Too cute!

All my life my dad would tell us pictures about a monkey they owned. I had never seen a picture of it until now. So funny...why own a monkey?

I love this picture of Terry and Perry as mere teenagers!

My dad to this day is scared of bees...this explains it!

My great-great-great grandparents I believe.

My great-great-great grandmother. She was full blooded Cherokee.

Brooklyn enjoying Noah's pool.

Jack loved the slide on this pool. It was amazing he didn't bust his head open as wild as he was on this thing.

I love these 2 cut ups!

This is what happens when mom is in charge and they were only going out to water the plants.

I love this picture. I took it when we were fishing with grandaddy.

Brooklyn jumping off the diving board for the first time!

How handsome is he?


Em said...

Great pictures! Since July is not over...I bet you meant for the title to say June...right?! It's probably a little confusing because we had July weather in June. ;-)

angie jones said...

Look at Brooklyn's tongue jumping off the diving board! Remind you of anyone?

Liz said...

I love looking at old family pictures like these! Glad you got to spend a lot of time with your fam. How was the reunion?

Saville Family said...

You have had quite the summer! Makes me a little homesick...

brooke said...

Wow!! That sounds like the ultimate family summer! Seeing those old family pictures and hearing you picking vegetables makes me miss living in the middle of nowhere where time sort of stands still.
Great post!

The Bailey's said...

I wish I could have gone fishing with y'all. I love the pic of Grandaddy!!