Friday, July 10, 2009

Lets go back to June...

Okay..I have been WAY to busy this month to post anything. The first week of June I hired new people and were training them for work and then I planned Joel's 30th surprise birthday party. I can KICK myself I didn't take 1 picture of the celebration! If anyone has any (steph and emily) please let me know. I am really depressed about it. The next day we head to South Padre for a Jones family trip. We had a ton of fun! A beach house+family+sun+tons of food+sea turtle release+putt-putt golf+resting=FUN FUN FUN!!! Here are some of my favorite pics!
Mommy, daughter kisses

Jack and Joel

Sweet Boy


Brooklyn boo posing

Picture Perfect!

The whole gang..doing the family picture thing.

See turtle release...these turtles are 3 hours old!


Joel not realizing how much if weigh these days!

Sunrise..waiting on the turtles to be released.

Just love it!

The whole gang...up before 7...had to get a picture of it!

Seriously tired of taking pictures by now, but I am the mom and what mom says goes! :)


There are no words to express how incredibly cute this picture is!

Dang...I am lucky!

The parrot was trying to take out Liz's hair pins.

I was in shock when I saw that Jack let the guy put the parrot on his shoulder...I was even more surprised that Jack didn't try to eat him!

Brooklyn loved the parrots!

Mommy and Jack

Feeding the sea turtles and the Sea Turtle Rescue

Grammie and Brooklyn

I found this old building and I thought I was in heaven with my camera...too bad I didn't have any models...the kids seriously would not cooperate!

Pops and his mini me!

My stupid camera kept fogging up and I was too impatient to keep clearing the fog...but here is our fun family!

The Call's at the lighthouse.

Jack enjoying his beach chair.

My little surfer girl getting ready to hit some waves.

How cute is she?

Okay..I have been WAY to busy this month to post anything. The first week of June I hired new people and were training them for work and then I planned Joel's 30th surprise birthday party. I can KICK myself I didn't take 1 picture of the celebration! If anyone has any (steph and emily) please let me know. I am really depressed about it. The next day we head to South Padre for a Jones family trip. We had a ton of fun! A beach house+family+sun+tons of food+sea turtle release+putt-putt golf+resting=FUN FUN FUN!!! Here are some of my favorite pics!


david said...

Awesome pictures Brit. I can't believe the kids are that big! Have I been away that long? I need to come visit soon! Tell J I say hi.

Nik said...

I love the beach pics! It is such a great place for, well....everything! Such a cute family!

Saville Family said...

What a good time! Seeing the turtles on the beach is awesome...Happy Summer!

Liz said...

Looks like y'all were busy! I need to get my family down to the beach...where do y'all stay?

The Bailey's said...

Sorry I don't have pictures from Joel's B-day. I didn't bring my camera either. Cute pics from SPI!!