Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mechanic in the Making?

So the other day I walked in the kitchen and Jack had all 3 of his riding cars turned completely upside down and had my spatula, forks, wooden spoons, and all kinds of kitchen utensils trying to fix the broken cars. I walked around the corner and said, "Jack what are you doing?" he replied, "Fixin it mom!" I unfortunately didn't have my camera out, but he did it again on Monday and was able to catch him without asking questions. So funny...what is even funnier is that no one in our family can fix cars except my dad and Jack has never seen him do so. I have NO idea where it came from...I guess its just in his DNA! What a Hoot!


Em said...

You know his name sake was a big "fixer" of all things needing fixin' it's the DNA and the name. He would of made Big Jack proud...shoot, why am I tearing up over this!

joelandbecca said...

Wow! I had lots of catching up to do! Y'all have been busy. Everyone is growing so fast. I love that Yamfest! haha! That makes me laugh!

Bright-Mom said...

I was just going to say what Em said, Grandpap was great at fixing ANYTHING! So, maybe some of it comes from Big Jack!

brooke said...

so cute! I love it when my kids use their imaginations and come up with something clever to spend their time on like this.