Thursday, October 29, 2009

Can you tell they are related?

This is my dad like 4 years older than Jack...I can't find one of him exactly Jacks age...and I can't get Jack to smile and look straight on the camera since his new hair cut. We cut his hair on Tuesday and ever since all I see are pictures of my dad since he was little. Due to Jacks environmental surroundings Jack isn't quite as mild as my dad is..but man..he looks so much like him to me. Maybe its the ears now too...because they are directly from him...but anyways...aren't they cute!


Saville Family said...

I see the resemblance...and it's hilarious that he's fixin' his car with kitchen utensils. I guess Santa needs to bring him a real tool kit, eh?

Em said...

I love the new hair cut!