Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yamboree 2009

What a fabulous Yamfest we had this year! The highlight is that Heath and Liz were able to fly in. No one was sick...everyone one HAPPY...and at the end EVERYONE exhausted! We got to see so many of our friends and family and spend some great time. Here are a few things we got to do:
~1 Successful Halloween Carnival put on by Steph, Liz, and Mom.
~1 Fun Hayride led by dad with the tractor.
~2 stray cute puppies visited us for the carnival
~2 Exciting parades
~1 Fire truck ride for Liz, Steph, Noah, Brooklyn, and Jack (Thanks Liz for riding with mine) oh..and I should mention this ride was for the start of the parade.
~1 Turkey leg for me!
~1 basket of Yam fries for us all to share
~1 GREAT burger from the Harmony booth
~1 Queens pageant with 7 beautiful princess dresses
~1 Knot on Jacks head when he fell off the chair during a yummy lunch at Haddens Sandwich Shop
~2 almost black eyes for Don Meador (family friend) who tried to kidnap me when I was walking by myself...he grabbed me by the arm...turned me around and I was facing a dark alley...Don good thing my hands were in my pockets :)
~1 dozen rides (estimating)
~1 fallen ice cream cone...don't worry my sister picked it up off the ground at the square and ate didn't go to waste!
~50 + back scratches by Aunt Liz...yes Heath was jealous.
~1/2 a dozen chaotic times of screaming at each other while getting don't change when you have kids and get married LOL
~1 bruised or killed (idK) Bobcat that was hit by my car
~2 bags of picked yellow peppers thanks to grandaddy (anyone want any? LOL)
~1 Gorilla fell face first into a potted mum while sitting on a bale of hay
~ I can't put a number on how much soda I consumed...its ridiculous when I go home!
~ 4 wonderful pies made by Lori's..and 1 stop there for lunch yummy!
~3 trips to the old Gilmer Wal-Mart!
~1 Rocket Yam completed and won a PARTICIPATION Joel was not happy!
~5 Crazy people in a hot tub at 10 at night (no I was not one of them)
~1 Hilarious barn dance where we all made fun of those that TRIED to dance and couldn' I can't dance...but you didnt' see me out there making a fool of myself either! :)
~3 girls getting work done sitting on moms couches while talking with each times
~1 Hacked Facebook account by me and yes it was Heath's
~ Tons of familiar faces that I haven't seen in years.
~Even more family and friends that I got to hug and share moments with
~And even more priceless memories...THANKS MOM AND DAD for having us!!!

1 comment:

angie jones said...

Love all the pics! Thanks for posting!