Saturday, October 3, 2009

Todd Trimble April 1979-October 2009

My dear friend Todd Trimble passed away today. He was killed by a pistol that accidentally went off. He was doing something he loved...hunting. Words cannot expresses the sadness that I feel for the Trimble's, Amie, Chad and his family, and his children. I hope one day his children truly know what a great day they had. He left 3 little ones behind and I want them to know how great their dad was. I remember Todd starting hanging around my group of friends at the end of my 8th grade year. Amie was a friend of mine and Todd was a neighbor and like a big brother to me. I remember endless days at Lake Hawkins beach playing keep away from the girls. I remember one night Todd asked me to "hook him up" with Amie. I believe (I could be wrong) that Amie, Todd, Jessica Bishop, Billy Phillips, and others were all going out to Longview on one of Amie and Todd's first dates. I also think Billy's black mustang was the mode of transport. I was so mad that mom wouldn't let me go, but so excited to hear how well it went over the weekend with the 2 of them. Needless, to say the rest is history and they have made an AMAZING couple ever since and beautiful children. My mom actually trusted him and Chad in letting me ride with them to school and we all know how strict my mom and dad are :) Those are some good ole days...riding in the red truck and listening to those 2 make jokes and listen to the radio. I also remember when you could win a free Dr.Pepper by looking under the tab...Todd won EVERYTIME!!! I would always let him choose mine at the Latch store...but I don't ever remember winning. Todd was nice to EVERYONE. He was a class act! Baseball is something Todd loved and was so good at. I remember cheering them on at numerous games. I loved coming home from college in the beginning when they had Four Corners Store. I would sit in there for hours chatting it up with them. They would talk about how good the fish were in the pasture across from the school, and how they fished late at night so no one would catch them. :) Todd would always give the best genuine hugs...he was always glad to see you...or he was really good at pulling it off. Todd was good at most sports, but I seriously to this day can remember something that happened on the basketball court. He was a guard bringing the ball down the court and he must of slipped and fell a little but kept his dribble while the other team was trying to steal the ball. He had them running in circles around him and he was still dribbling and trying to get his balance back up. Joel got to meet him at the reunion and talked about how much he like the Trimble boys. I was so glad that we got to see him in July and made me reminisce again of being back in the High School and hanging out at the Lake and playing some V-ball. Todd is gone for now, but will always be remembered by many. He was so good and once again so NICE. I am so lucky to have known someone so great as Todd. The whole Trimble family are in our thoughts and prayers. You will dearly be missed Todd. We love you!

Todd and Amie during our Senior week at the Butcher Shop.

Todd playing some pool and having fun during our Senior week again.

Todd and Amie at the athletic banquet. They either had just met or had been dating a year.

Todd winning some maucho award at the athletic banquet. I think I was in 8th 1994ish?

This July playing volleyball at our beach where we played 15 years ago.

Amie and Todd still a great team! Oh...and you always want these 2 on your team!


Tara said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and the Trimble family find peace during this trying time. We'll keep you all in our prayers.

Nikki said...

Gosh this brought on some major tears. Sad for Amie, the kids and his amazing family but I know like everyone else that knew Todd that he is walking with Jesus right now. What a loss for this world but a sweet treat for heaven.