She was so excited because we had caught her off guard...
Had to read this gift...its tickets to something...
The reaction when she figured it out it was Spurs tickets for that night...
And of course she had to look cute to her first Spurs game...
The next morning all the family went to Grimaldi's to eat. I am so glad that she choose good pizza instead of Chuckie Cheese. I didn't get pictures of dessert, but we went to Orange Cup. She is such an old soul...we love her so much
New earrings...
Had to get a picture of Jack and his shirt..I am such a Rev Run fan...
Jack got in on the action too thank goodness for soft hearted grandparents all children had gifts...
Brooklyn so excited for her first pair of skinny jeans...she is a crack up I tell you!
Yes..those of you that haven't eaten at Grimaldi's you delicious!
Noah was so good for the birthday lunch.
Brooklyn's birthday breakfast. Breakfast in bed is a tradition that Joel's family does and we love it. The kids do too. Brooklyn's menu consisted of boiled eggs, toast, strawberries, bacon, oatmeal (with a candle in it), and juice. Yummy!!
Stop growing up already Brooklyn! Tear*Tear*
The 5 year old had to get something new for Kindergarten next year...her first lunchbox.
Love you Boogs!
Even though it was Brooklyn's birthday Jack still managed to steal some food and I caught it on camera! HAHA!
For lunch I treated her to McDonald's and believe me when I say TREAT. Due to Joel teaching Health and showing way too much of Super Size Me. We are banned from eating at McD's. So I treated her. We met up with her preschool pals...Camron and Amaya, and Amaya's little brother Gabe at the park.
Jack enjoying the Zip that face.
Tonight we celebrated with cake and ice cream with the Fernandes family, the Bailey's, and Mimi. Papa had a meeting Aunt Emily is still not well. We missed them Grammie and Pops, The Brights, and Heath and Liz.
Is Brooklyn wearing a Bumpit?
Wish we could have been there! My girls were excited all week and have a count down to Brooklyn's birthday!
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