Sunday, April 25, 2010


As of lately I have really been thinking about mothers.  This past year there are several mothers that I know will have a grievous Mother's day.  Each of their situations has been really weighing on my mind and heart.  For those that don't know I am the chorister in Primary (3-11 year olds) at church.  Yes, I lead and teach music...Can you believe that?  Deaf tone, non-beat keeping Britni leads music?  I have really struggled with this calling and over the past few months I now know why I have been called to lead the help me be a better mother.  Music is something that is so foreign to me.  I love it...but it doesn't really love me.  Like I said I am not good with beats and keeping a tune is a whole other issue, but I learn so much through lyrics.  As I have been preparing the kids to sing Mother Tell Me the Story during Sacrament for Mother's Day I have been thinking a lot about my own mother and those mothers this last year that have lost a child.  This song is a two part song that the children sing a verse and then the is absolutely beautiful.  The songs is basically about a child asking his/her mother to tell her about Heaven and Jesus and then tell me you love me and then the child can sleep.  The mom replies and comforts her words...its a beautiful lullaby.  My favorite is Mother tell how you love me and gently speak and then I'll go to sleep to which the mother replies: Sleep, Sleep a love watch I'll keep to protect you through the night.  Both of my mothers call me daily to check on my even though I am 28 years old and I feel like they are still protecting me through the night.  I have so many mother figures in my life.  My own mother has seriously been like most and has been there for me through THICK and THIN!  I am eternally en dept to her and her many hours of selfless service she has given for me.  Yesterday we were shopping and she bought me this adorable dress that I love and when we went to check out the lady says, "I sure do miss getting to shop with my little girl, she is 5 hours away and we rarely see each other."  My thought is lady...its only 5 hours.  I am so blessed that she spends just about the same amount of time seeing us as she does in the car just to be with us.  The Lord has also blessed me with an amazing Mother-in-Law that has taught me so much and has given me my eternal companion.     More importantly I am so grateful that we have this time on Earth together still to spend that time with each other.  Those that don't know Joel witnessed a tragic skateboarding accident 2 weeks ago and although I wasn't there that 12 year old boy's mother still weighs on my mind.  I have lost 2 dear high school friends this last year and I too think of their moms which are GREAT mothers.  I also have a family friend that just lost her 2 month old.  All I can say is time is precious and I count my blessings daily.  I have been squeezing my kids a little longer and a little tighter, watching them a little closer, and telling them I love them a little more.  I hope that although I can't sing real great that they know the importance of this song I have been teaching them lately and know that I will always protect them and watch over them.  I hope with the help of music and the examples of the women that are fabulous Mothers I will be a better mother.  I know that this is a little early for Mother's Day, but maybe we should all be planning a little better about how to show our mothers our true appreciation for all they do because you will never know when the Lord needs you or your mother to come home early.


Saville Family said...

Mothers (and grandmothers) are the best! Can't wait to hear that song in a few weeks.

brooke said...

Thanks for your thoughts! Thats really sweet. And I'm so glad you're doing the music. The kids have a blast with you. Its the best time in Primary!!

Holly said...

I bet you are a great chorister for the kids.

Motherhood is very special, and my heart too goes out to many wonderful MOMS.