Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol Season 9

I just love this show! I love that it is clean (okay maybe not during tonight's Black-eyed Pea performance) and we can watch it as a family. Brooklyn loves it! We let her stay up tonight and she was excited to see that Kris finally won (Sorry Adam lovers)! Here are some of the high's and low's for me:

*I loved Kara coming out and battling out with bikini girl and then Kara stripping down to her bikini. The thing that I loved was that Kara looked just as good and she was embarrassed because she knows you don't have to flaunt it all the time! I loved that!

*Okay did any see Cyndi Lauper at the end of her sounded like she was from an Indian tribe and doing some ceremony noises..didn't get that song.

*I loved seeing Danny, Matt, and Anoop again.

*I hated Adam's ridiculous platforms he wore...eww!


*I was excited to see Norman back on the show...a little weird, but really funny.

*I am not the comedian Steve Martin fan, but maybe the musician Steve Martin fan. I just LOVED that song and actually about to download it!

*Speaking of downloading I also want the David Cook song...loved it!

*I was pretty sure Paula was going to come out of her top..she was making me neerrvvous!

*Loved me some Lionel and Gokey! Made me want to dance, but not quite yet.

*Queens We are the Champions...classic! I also loved how they (Adam and Kris) just had so much fun with it!

*Okay the last 2 highlights..ready...ROD STEWART!!! I heart him!!!! I just had to get up and dance and was so excited he was singing a little Maggie Mae! Brooklyn danced with me..what a full circle mommy-daughter moment.

*Lastly yes..the announcement of Kris winning...oh and I love that great big hug from his wife at the end...I just shed a tear!


Em said...

I'm with you on many of those Idol Moments...Hits and Misses. I do have to totally say that You hearting Rod Stewart is a little ewww to me. He might have a great voice, but he is actually quite hideous to look at and he almost tripped on the stage at least 3 times. I'm glad that my battery running out last night as I called in over and over to vote for Kris was not in vain! Yes, I will say "your welcome" right I am pretty sure my votes tipped him over the edge! Yay Kris! Down with Adam, his platform boots, and his tongue sticking out all the time (even when he is not singing with Kiss), gross!

angie jones said...

I think I may be partly to blame for the "I heart Rod Stewart"! I don't know why I still love him...but I do! I just love that his voice is so unique! Great to see good triumph over evil in the end! (quoting facebook:))

Bonnie said...

ok, Cindy Lauper was totally having a seizure. seriously.

brooke said...

This season I actually missed it all except for the finale. I thought Norman was great and the bikini battle was a hoot. I like "Boom Boom Pow" a lot, but Edward was wondering why we just kept going back in time with the guest stars. Glad Kris won, he's so boy next door. I love it!

Saville Family said...

I missed it this year and it sounds like it was one of the best ones! I love that Brooklyn loves it~she is so funny. She'll be telling me about Kris now (remember when she asked me if I like David Archuleta or David Cook last year?)

Unknown said...

You crack me up! I fast forwarded through Rod Stewart, maybe I need to go watch it?! My favorite was the hug from the wife at the end!! Loved it!

Holly said...

A.I. is great! One of my favorite shows ever. I really liked Chris, but am I weird for really really liking Adam? Great show!

joelandbecca said...

K-I know I am weird, but the only season I have seen was the one were Jordan won. I just have never gotten into it. I might be the last person on the planet!

What I don't watch in AI I make up for w/DWTS. It is because I secretly wish I was a dancer! ha And, I think that one is pretty clean too (except for some of the costumes-yikes!) Even though I don't watch AI, Paula still scares me!