Monday, September 14, 2009

Brooklyn's First Day of Preschool and Primary Program

Brooklyn has had some 1st this week. Our little pre-school we do with church kids started this week and she was SO excited. Joel wrote her a sweet letter and then she asked for a father's blessing and until now I had totally forgotten that, so we will get on it. She had a great day and loves her little class of Amaya, Camron, and Keylan. Our week is this week and she is so excited to show them her room...nothing new to it and they have all seen it before, but that is what she said. Keylan is new and she told me that she was going to be real nice to her and let her join the "Sister Club" with her and Amaya. Poor Camron...we seriously need more boys for him...if any of you know of any LET ME KNOW!

The other first is Primary Program. Last year she sang one song, "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam," but since she is actually a Sunbeam this year she was in it. Her little part was, "When I pray I am talking to my Heavenly Father." She actually had to say it twice because the microphone accidentally turned off for some reason, and she did it perfectly each time. She sang really well too. Joel and her made this deal that if she was singing good he would give her a thumbs up and if she was slacking it would point down. She mostly had thumbs up. It was funny though because I was asked to give the opening prayer during Sacrament meeting and when I got done I was walking to my seat and she gave me a Thumbs up. I am so glad that my little prayer exceeded her expectations! I love her little smile and her sweet spirit. She is so loving and thoughtful of others. Just tonight for FHE we were playing a game and I had little colored magnets that everyone chose for game pieces and I said, "Here Brooklyn you can have the red I know its your favorite"...Joel just messing with her said, "OH, man I wanted Red!" She insisted on him trading with made Joel feel bad for even saying anything. She is our little sweetheart! I sponge rolled her hair the night before and she loved it. She was so happy when Emily called her Taylor Swift (her idol). She also blushed when my dad would say things like, "I hear Brooklyn talking, but all I see is a Barbie doll." We finished off the day with her favorite Black Beans and Rice, watermelon, fruit salad (which I found out is not her favorite but I thought it was), and banana pudding. Thanks Brooklyn for being our little girl! We love you!


Em said...

She looked gorgeous on Sunday and did such a great job. My favorite part was when she looked down at us and mouthed, "I need to go to the potty." Lucky for her Mimi knew exactly what she was saying and took her. She did a great job and is such a sweetheart.

brooke said...

Brooklyn did a great job. Some of those sunbeams behaved better than the 6 & 7 year olds. And her hair was amazing... Rory's will never have that volume and length.

joelandbecca said...

I love that she is all girl! For some reason I am way into girly stuff....don't know why...she did great Sunday!

Poor Camron! ha!

Holly said...

Wow! your daughter looks like a little model. I was noticing we have the same quote from Sister Hinckley. I think I have also seen it on a few other blogs. Maybe I stole the idea from you. I don't remember. Hope you are doing well.