Monday, September 7, 2009


Hectic is all I can say about my minimal to NO postings lately. Football is now in FULL swing and we are 1-1. It has rained during both games now, so since we haven't had any rain the whole summer I am thinking we need at least 2 games a week! :) I sure love watching Joel coach his boys. As stressful as it gets sometimes, I love being able to watch him interact with the kids he spends so much time with. Oh, and he looks HOT in red...makes it that much better! :) Brooklyn loves showing off her little cheer outfit every week and yelling at the boys. She loves hanging out with the other coaches kids too and talks about them every day just about. Jack is getting the swing of things. EVERYDAY he asks if there is a game! He looks so cute in his little shoes and runs around the house saying Hut-Hut! I on the other hand am trying to keep things balanced. I am still working and keeping up with the kids during the day. As the summer is coming to an end I am sure going to miss being in the warm sun (and being at Schlitterbahn everyday)...I really hate the cold! I love the long summer depresses me when the days become shorter. I am getting a little excited about finally turning my oven on though...I hate cooking in the summer...aww tomato soup and cheese sandwiches here I come! So for the next few months my posts for some won't be as exciting...just football, but this little game is what brings home the bacon and keeps us together as a family. Here are a few pics from the Smithson Valley game last week which we lost, but are going to redeem ourselves this week against Pflugerville (fingers VERY crossed :)). Oh, and a little shout out to BYU for beating OU this week. Go Cougars too!

Jack chillin and watching the game.

2009 Judson Rockets!

Brooklyn posing.

Man she is has a sweet face!

My hottie hubby!

Oh, and a little shout out to BYU for beating OU this week. Go Cougars too! This is Joel's favorite picture right now and he wants to order it...hopefully for his office and not for the house :)!


Nik said...

Such cute kids! And yes, WAY TO GO BYU! We were at Buffalo Wings and Rings for the first half watching it. There were some Oklahoma fans in the back. So we cheered loudly for BYU when they did something great! Too bad we didn't stay to rub it in when they won! :)

Saville Family said...

You are busy! We'll have to watch a game and see Joel at work. Can't wait for preschool now. Camron made Brooklyn a card with a heart on it~too funny!

brooke said...

its so great to see you all love and enjoy football as a family so it brings you together instead of tearing you apart.
Go Rockets!

joelandbecca said...

when did your kids get so big? they are darling in their red! football is awesome! i think it is so great that your family loves it, especially considering joel's occupation!

oh and so happy for byu! yay!

Meggan said...

Happy Football season to you and your family. Go Cougs!!